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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. I mean, he's basically going to be a screener for Ja Morant, most likely. That's literally his biggest benefit to Memphis. He might be an occasional rim protector but this won't be like college. He's gonna be facing a lot of dudes that can pull him out to deep water and drown him.
  2. There is literally no comparison between Miller and this dude. At all. Miller was a top 20 HS recruit and an SEC Player of the Year. I can understand skepticism about where he was picked and maybe some fit but the talent was obvious and he is was far more developed. This French dude is certainly a physical talent but he hasn't exactly been crushing it in Europe as a professional. EXTREMELY raw. TBH, we would be fools to even bring him over for the next couple of seasons. Stash him in Europe and let him develop there.
  3. I honestly thought he was a mid-2nd round guy, TBH. I agree and had said similar about him being a top 5 pick in the 80's and 90's. But he is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO unathletic. I just don't know how he has much impact other than a role player in very specific systems. I get that this is a bad draft but I am not sure I see him fitting in the NBA. I mean what is the comp? Probably someone like Marjanovic who is a journeyman bit player at under 10 mpg career. That's a top 10 pick????
  4. I don't really think we have the personnel that anything short of a superstar coach can really do much with. It would be nice to eat those words but our two deep is HORRIFYING.
  5. I heard rumors of Edey top 10 but I assumed no team was that stupid.
  6. The Jags stadium is already considerably nicer than BoA, IMO. I have been to both fairly recently(last 3 years).
  7. Well, can you name one of these developmental guys that has ever panned out for us in the history of the franchise? I can't.
  8. If you are constantly planning and improving your roster, maintain and draft quality depth, those "rebuilding" cycles are typically quite short. It's closer to retooling than rebuilding. We went from solid roster to absurd, raging dumpster fire. TBH, it has never really improved above the dumpster fire level. This is the least talented roster in the NFL by a fairly wide margin. That is what years of roster mismanagement will get you. If Tepper stays in Dan Snyder mode, it is likely to be a 20ish year total stretch before we have a chance build anything more than a .500ish team. Hence why I keep saying Cleveland Browns. We look very, very much like that era.
  9. This was the draft to pull a Spurs and trade towards the future. Instead we take the longest of long shots and a guy that couldn't possibly make any meaningful impact for at least 3 years. Ghost of Jordan still haunting the place. Should have just taken a guy like Dalton that could actually play a role on the team immediately. Oh well, Bobnets gonna Bobnet.
  10. Something I have said for several seasons. When we tore down the entire roster, it would take years to rebuild. We are years in and still haven't built it back up. That's one reason why I was so adamantly against a complete rebuild. It takes a LONG time even with semi-competent people in the front office(something we never had). Also exactly why I don't think we will see a winning record before at least 2030.
  11. It was definitely the dumbest move/non-move in Panthers team history. The only thing that makes it sting less is that we would have fuged up all those picks anyway, so would it have actually mattered?
  12. You are literally naming players we overpaid but aren't premium players(minus CMC, that's just a non-premium position). We suck at team building because we hire moron after moron in the front office and/or as head coach. That's how you end up turning down a haul for Burns that could have changed our fortunes completely. But, that would require them not to be idiots. The CMC haul was probably the best RB haul you will see in a long time but the idiots in charge immediately squandered the draft capital gained. Most of the players we have had go elsewhere and find success, had success here too. The far greater pool is players that weren't successful here, a portion of the idiots here still believe are just being held back by some situation here but then they go elsewhere and stink. More fodder for the very obvious, which is that we have some of the worst talent evaluators in the NFL.
  13. Cap has nothing to do with it. You can't pay players mega premium money if they aren't mega premium players. That's how you stay bad for a long time.
  14. We change things all the time. That same system of play that won FL a Cup....that is what we do, BTW
  15. He can be stubborn but it's belief in his guys. That poo is also why a lot of these guys love him. Look, his trajectory is great. We just need to tinker and stay the course.
  16. Let it play out. Chill. There is no reason to be antsy. This is literally arguably the best period in franchise history. When/if we win a Cup, it would OVERWHELMINGLY be the best period in franchise history. Take some notes from the other POS franchise we root for, stop and smell the roses a little. I wish I knew how good those good times were for the Panthers. I wish I had appreciated them more then.
  17. I suspect he will have more than one sub-double digit sack season during the term of that deal.
  18. I was not upset to see him sign a 30 mil contract elsewhere. I suspect he will never make the numbers to make that logical.
  19. I tried to think up some. Strangely they all ended up being horror movies.
  20. That was my take. The Rangers were really the only team I feared.
  21. I get that you are a Panthers fan, so being logic is difficult but you are just plain retarded if you want to blow this all up. Literally the least logical thing that could be done. But, I get it, maybe we will get to keep CMC and get to 6 wins.....
  22. Yeah, well, FL almost got swept in the Finals last year.
  23. The hysterics about getting rid of the best coach in franchise history(to date) six years into his career is just insanity. Obviously people are forgetting the 9 year playoff drought he brought us out of. Obviously people are forgetting that he has 75% of the 100+ point seasons in the 44 years of franchise existence. Obviously people are forgetting the 4 of the 10 total 90+ points in the 44 years of franchise existence. Obviously people are forgetting the 3 of 7 total first place division titles in the 44 years of franchise existence. Everyone needs to chill the fug out.
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