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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. It was pitched as a "competition" but it probably wouldn't have been very competitive at all. Darnold isn't Brissett, who is going to keep Drake Maye from playing some games early. Maybe not as big of a joke as the Wilson vs. Fields "competition" that ESPN keeps trying to make an actual thing. There is a world where JJ looked like poo and Darnold had to be the guy. That isn't what transpired, however.
  2. You will see Mullens play a few games and then I suspect they will try to hit the wire for someone like Flacco. As hard as they scrambled for a QB last year, they will scramble harder this year because that coach is going to be fighting to keep his job.
  3. Corbett is one of our better blockers, so I am not surprised by this. It's the playing center part we need to see if he can excel at.
  4. Darnold has about 10-20% wow plays but the rest of the game he is missing reads, holding onto the ball too long and making absolutely crippling decisions. If Bryce was pitched as a supercomputer, Darnold is a calculator watch. The disparity between his brain and his athletic ability is one of the biggest I have ever seen.
  5. I mean, as a former Bryce stan, it just kind of is what it is. Certainly there isn't a very satisfying point in bashing him at this juncture. We are probably stuck with him as a starting QB for at least another season and a half or so. We should all wish him the best. The alternative is pretty fuging depressing.
  6. Darnold has once again proven that shoving a rabbit's foot up your own asshole is a valid employment strategy. The Vikings are fuged. Hard. As for Mayfield, he has always been an "above average ceiling" guy. It's completely a matter of his circumstances allowing that limited ceiling to happen.
  7. I think I did a limited look at this data some years ago and QB's were fairly low in terms of panning out. I would have to do that again. I can relatively easily just boil it down to GS and CarAV.
  8. TBQH, I don't think we are capable of developing a late round QB prospect, even given their limited ceilings. I would also say that's fairly rare in the last 30+ years of the NFL for basically any NFL franchise. The percentage of guys taken in the 5th round or later that even become 2nd string QB's is likely very small.
  9. The problem with setting your strategy on statistical outliers is that you are gambling on a hit of a very low percentage. That's like investing in scratch off lottery tickets. Actually, now that I think about it, that's kind of been our front office strategy for several years now.
  10. Spencer Rattler has very little change of challenging Young to start. This isn't a QB 3 competition(although it probably should be).
  11. The question is, if we released Pinero, would he then become one of the best kickers in the league?
  12. Don't be so sure. We have a knack for continuing to get worse as we "churn the bottom of the roster."
  13. The concerts and soccer make so so insanely little money in comparison to the actual value of the NFL team and its revenue.
  14. Our roster has been pretty bad over the past few years but I do think this is the worst it has ever been. That's a rough read.
  15. Yep. Very Fitter-esque. Sadly, it will be at least two more offseasons before we change him out if this continues.
  16. Preseason just isn't that valuable, IMO. Vanilla schemes so it isn't like it's even a good dress rehearsal.
  17. I will give Canales a chance past this year because this is the least talented roster in the NFL. Some of these issues are just not going to be fixable this season. I want to see adequate scheme and the bones of something that could work. I fully expect most of the time it will not because we don't have good players. But I want to see some evidence that we are capable of at least looking like there is some design to what is going on and it isn't pure chaos or smashing our heads against the wall for 60 minutes only to wonder why it didn't work.
  18. Eh. IDGAF, TBH. Could just be his philosophy about it. If they are doing what they need to do in practices and camp, those games matter very little. Wake me when the bullets are real in Week 1.
  19. The only half assed logic would be because our OL is such a mess they don't want him to get injured. But....I mean, that ain't gonna change.
  20. We will see. I still believe Mingo's biggest problems are his own. Hope I am wrong. Getting tired of bust WR after bust WR.
  21. No, that would be our only still NFL caliber WR, Johnson. We will suffer the most if that is a consistent problem.
  22. IDK why people are freaking out about Corbett taking a day off. He's an oft injured dude coming off a serious injury. And, TBH, given that history we better get a really good idea who center #2 is.
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