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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. Yeah, we just aren't gonna be able to get one this game. Every time we get an open net something happens. fug.
  2. Depends on the next GM and HC, TBH.
  3. Is there any real reason to go back to Raanta? I would rather ride with the young guy and get him ready to be the #2, at least.
  4. Need to bang a goal in. I think the dam is about to break on this goalie
  5. The majority of those good coaches also went to dumpster fire franchises. Some with serious ownership questions.
  6. Right there with you, brother. OG, as well. Even during the 1-15 season there was some sort of hope it would get better with the draft and some changes. What hope is there now?
  7. Oh it wasn't a goal. It just happened because there really is no light at the end of this tunnel. What is there to even get upset about? Or happy for that matter? This(2018-present) is the worst stretch in franchise history. By a huge margin.
  8. I definitely don't get pissed anymore. I watch without any emotion at all. That's where I am at. May as well be watching just a random game.
  9. There is no benefit to continuing to play Young in this offense. Yet, we will keep trotting him out there.
  10. I am assuming it isn't on ESPN because it is on the NHL Network. Not sure why.
  11. Oh I would never pay Bally a dime. I get it on ESPN+.
  12. Is this on national TV? I can't seem to find it NHL Network. Found it.
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