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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. We have run dozens of plays this year worse than that.
  2. I get that vibe too. Remember how Tepper spoke glowingly about Hurney when it was clear he should have been gone.
  3. If you think it couldn't have been worse, you haven't watched much Panthers football this season.
  4. Sure. If we looked like we were interested in that option. I kind of doubt that is incoming.
  5. I mean, I am around plenty of Panthers fans. Plenty of them are/were season ticket holders. I don't know any of them that are planning to be ticket holders in 2024. I have yet to see any of them be upset anymore. Mostly just do other things or are numb to it all.
  6. I am not sitting here making the argument that we shouldn't start Dalton but I am saying that we shouldn't be expecting much winning, probably none. Hence why I say the idea of Dalton playing better is pretty irrelevant to Young's development. Frankly, Young sitting and watching Dalton is probably better for his development than getting destroyed running a 1980's offensive scheme.
  7. Don't forget some of his draft day trade blunders.
  8. I think we are at the point where there is more apathy than pressure from the fanbase. At 5 years into this poo, most fans I know aren't even upset. They just don't care.
  9. I will wager Reich's seat is hotter than Fitterer's. I suspect that Tepper thinks more of Fitterer, because he's a fool.
  10. I am gonna guess that you haven't watched any games. If you had, you would know this has already happened. We still lost. I guess if "prettier" losses is the goal...yay. The point being that literally not a single snap from this point to the end of the season is helping him. If this gets better, it will be marginally at best. This season is lost and so are any decent "learning" opportunities because this offense is complete chaos. It's probably literally better for everyone involved if he sits. Really regardless of the W's or L's.
  11. Yeah, I get it, Young hasn't looked good. He isn't the "ready to go" guy. IMO, as a Young guy, I am not saying he is a bust. This situation is just terrible for him. That said, Stroud is definitely better. We made the wrong choice. I am fine yanking Young because I am not seeing much in the way of learning other than bad habits. Get to the offseason, get to work fixing that terrible footwork and hopefully get a better coaching staff and supporting cast.
  12. I think Evero has proven himself enough that he won't touch this situation with a ten foot pole. All he has to do is sit back and keep making this pieced together unit look good. He will get ample HC opportunities in scenarios he will get a lot more control over.
  13. Fair point but I don't think you are gonna see dudes fighting for their jobs make that move. Not to mention, this staff is insanely slow to make offensive changes that are performance based.
  14. For all the hate we threw at Hurney, he didn't miss often on these premium picks. Wish we could say that now.
  15. It probably wouldn't have been Cross. Probably would have been Neal who we also would be mad at. It is what it is at this point. We should be used to whiffing on 1st rounders at this point. #Fittmagic
  16. Well we can't now. The OL is a fuging MASH unit. That's a next year issue. Get him ready all offseason to play OG. Plus we are 1-10. WTF does it really matter?
  17. I will watch the last ten minutes on replay now that the coast is clear. Lol
  18. I believe you mean, "Thank you." I turned it off at 0-2. So technically I won that game for us. You are welcome.
  19. You don't have enough fingers or toes for that, actually.
  20. We have. It was a better looking loss.
  21. Our owner cares absolutely nothing about the fanbase. He would be doing it to appease his ego/anger. Remember this is the guy who referred to us as "basement dwellers." Despite the fact that we would be more successful if he locked himself in the basement since 2018.
  22. I doubt that would happen. It would be better but does looking better and still losing matter? Do you want to hang some banners for that? How did that Andy Dalton game go last time? Better....and lost.
  23. I don't think that really has anything to do with us at all.
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