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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. Everyone will know the situation now. The trade offers will get less and less, I suspect. As long as Fitt is here, we have no hope of securing a reasonable deal.
  2. I think it's unlikely we will end up signing Burns to a contract. Tag him, sure. We won't be able to trade him for nearly his value.
  3. Actually Bill has always been an extremely poor judge of QB talent. Literally the only one he got right was Brady and that was accidental.
  4. I would say that is highly unlikely. He will get to retire on his terms, IMO. Provided this rut doesn't last 2-3 more seasons.
  5. Doesn't matter what Tepper wants. Bill can retire on his own schedule in New England and they are stinking enough to have a shot at a top QB prospect. Why come here?
  6. I mean, technically our 8-2 loss was pretty much our best game so far. Minus a certain historic turnstile.
  7. Yep. Great finish. Honestly got robbed of a couple.
  8. About fuging time. Jesus fuging Christ.
  9. 5 on 3 with some fresh ice. I like it.
  10. He's been good but you can't get beat that easily on the glove side. That should have been a pretty easy save compared to some he has seen tonight.
  11. Time to get even for that last game against them. fug the Flyers.
  12. Given what Tepper has said, 0% this happens. I would rather sit Young too. There is no benefit to feeding him to the lions week after week. If we dramatically change our offense(we won't) then maybe I would feel differently. I just think this is all very futile.
  13. I am not so much interested in construction of the roster until the GM and HC situations are figured out.
  14. I am watching early on, if we start shitting the bed we gotta stick with what works. I could possibly propel us to the Cup.
  15. I think it's more that we couldn't find a partner at the right price.
  16. There was no team in the NFL that was going to give us a first round pick for him. People here really have zero clue when it comes to the NFL RB market. The MVP thing is absolutely laughable. It's been 11 years since a RB won the MVP and for very good reasons. They are secondary or tertiary elements of modern NFL offenses. It's amazing how many Huddlers are still in the "three yards and a cloud of dust" era.
  17. These guys are going to keep getting more expensive because of the situation here. I don't mind that. Tepper should have to pay for being such a prick.
  18. Well if that transpires that will be two straight coaches he never coached in the NFL again.
  19. I don't know who it will be but I am willing to bet they won't be in our top 3.
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