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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. I mean, he could have turned down the money. He didn't have to take the deal. Ultimately Raanta is responsible for playing.
  2. Agreed. Pyotr is far from perfect but the slump Raanta is in his historically bad(franchise-wise). He has never even come in the same ballpark as this bad his entire NHL career. He's not a young guy, so maybe this is the sign that it's starting to come to a close on his career.
  3. I think you probably gotta waive him and flounder around for a replacement guy. IDK what is going on but we can't keep getting shelled like this. The mistake people are making is thinking this hasn't been the entire season. While he was winning games, he was allowing a LOT of goals. He does seem like a very nice dude but processional sports is ultimately about trying to succeed. Whatever is happening, is causing him to basically be almost the sole reason we are losing games. It just is what it is.
  4. Raanta is so obviously the worst goaltender in franchise history. It's insane how bad he is.
  5. I was able to see the 2006 run, so that helped. Went to games in that playoffs. Amazing.
  6. If they start pelting Raanta, Trip is coming out of the booth. I'd rather see that.
  7. It wasn't that loud, that is for sure. Except us when we scored.
  8. Was at the game. Had a fuging blast. Tim Gleason's dad was in our section.
  9. I keep spreading that picture, as well. Hopefully it takes off.
  10. Or basketball or baseball. All sports where they don't have persistent player safety concerns in leagues that actively try to squash dissent.
  11. I am going to that game so I want to see us firing on all cylinders and more importantly, not to see Raanta play.
  12. I don't see the point of continuing this. How is continuing this better than outting Daltonin and trying to string together a little momentum? Is Bryce confidently getting worse?
  13. Because as long as the NFL is doing well financially, he has no reason to really care.
  14. Well we can't do much about that now. That was a Matt Rhule thing. The point being that we refused to recognize the strengths/weaknesses of our players.
  15. Oh you mean the thing some of us have been saying all season? That our OL is built to run the ball, not pass it 40+ times a game?
  16. I mean....literally probably the best thing FOR BRYCE YOUNG is to sit him. How bad do you want to make his habits?? This is about as lose-lose of a scenario as possible
  17. I think we would be worse than that because our playcalling is also insanely bad. But we wouldn't have lost ALL these fuging games.
  18. We don't even have to reset. All we have to do is start Dalton. But our owner is too fuging retarded to do that. He'd rather nosedive this franchise even further into the abyss than make the right call and get out of the way.
  19. I mean, he literally forced the last staff. Not sure if you are aware but basically our new coaches are going to revolve around them agreeing to "fix Bryce." Face it, we are fuged for at least the next season or two.
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