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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. TBH, I would just play to not fug up the FG. There is an entire quarter left.
  2. They play hard. They just have horrific coaching and are insanely talent deficient on offense.
  3. This is good. We should be able to pull within one as long as Thomas Brown doesn't get too fuging stupid.
  4. Hate all you want but I have no idea how Bryce got that ball back.
  5. You know that choice has already been made right? Like, literally
  7. This is a bad week all around for Sunday games. The best stuff was was all non-Sunday.
  8. There is parallax error with that camera view, BTW. You can tell by the field lines. He probably was short.
  9. Being bigger wouldn't accomplish anything. We have to fix his footwork and his brain. Good luck with that on a franchise where the owner refuses to admit there are any issues with him.
  10. Bro, if there was any semblance of logic in this franchise we would be a few weeks into Andy Dalton being under .500 as a starter. That isn't the case. I was a Bryce guy through and through but there is no worse situation for a flawed QB than a disaster franchise. It's not a matter of if he will be a bust, it's just a matter of more people accepting it.
  11. He was open very quickly. Probably wouldn't have scored a TD but it wouldn't have been the moronic sack he took.
  12. Yep, he got open literally as soon as Bryce panic scrambled. Early Onset David Carr Battered QB Syndrome symptoms.
  13. Which answer do you want? Completely dogshit execution or Completely dogshit playcalling? Either works.
  14. There was no one open in the endzone but had he not panicked the check down guy had a mediocre shot at running to the endzone.
  15. LOL. How in the world do you not throw that out of bounds?
  16. Mingo is another bust. My God he is terrible.
  17. I would disagree because of the weather. Our D always has the chance to score on their idiot of a QB. 14 points is ball game. Zero chance we eclipse that.
  18. Yeah, I don't see Richardson lasting until his 5th year.
  19. Yeah. Not sure how we leverage the ability to take a bunch of damage and not break. He runs like a baby giraffe so running the ball won't be it.
  20. Lol. Why would you run that short of the sticks?
  21. They don't get hit anywhere near as much as Bryce. For all his faults he is very durable for his size.
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