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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. I think the heart question has largely been answered. He quits on routes or gives lackadaisical effort on occasion. He isn't a TMJ level slug but he doesn't add anything that 100 other FA JAG's couldn't. The biggest upgrade this offseason has to be at his position. Move him down to #4 or #5 and hope he develops by the end of his rookie deal.
  2. I think he is likely to refuse to sign if tagged. He bet on himself this season too and it was an absolute disaster for his market value. Better off shutting it down and forcing a move on our part.
  3. Projected tag price for Burns would be 23,342,000 FWIW.
  4. He looks like TMJ 2.0 to me. Same guy, basically. And this is while being the second most targeted receiver on the season. By a VERY wide margin. I definitely realize some of our offensive issues are impacting every aspect of the team but in the two games we have thrown for over 300 yards(SEA and GB) he has 4 rec for 40 yards. So it is almost always other guys finally getting off, not him(he was the 5th and 6th best WR in those two games). Furthermore, he has absolutely zero elite attributes. He barely has any that are NFL average. He was a workout warrior guy. Just like TMJ.
  5. We have basically until the end of January, IMO. If we are still all over the map and can't develop some consistency, we are definitely in trouble. I don't care if we limp into the playoffs provided that we are playing our best hockey the month before they begin.
  6. If you want some real wild poo to think about, remember how badly our HOF player Julius Peppers got drug for not giving 100% effort all the time. Now compare his career to Brian Burns, who still has defenders for some reason.
  7. We can't help that fact. Burns is vastly underperforming and Fitterer sucks. If Fitt had made the trade, maybe we still have DJ Moore(far, far better player than Burns). Or maybe it wouldn't have mattered because we are a rudderless ship. No way to know. The thing we do know is that the haul for Burns was worth far, far, far, FAR more than the player he has been. That is unquestionable.
  8. All of those players have been more productive than Burns as a Panther. We did what we could. It isn't on the team, it is on Burns for not being productive
  9. If Brian was angling for a top 10 deal, he has thoroughly and completely played his way out of it. I wouldn't even be comfortable with the 23 mil deal that we offered him. Just tag and trade for whatever you can get. If nothing, just let him go.
  10. IDC about the scheme as long as we are effective. This season our defense has been very good(not so much this game), so I have minimal issues with them. Certainly could use some upgrades on personnel but not upset at that side of the ball at all. Our offense needs a heavy overhaul or at least some fuging identity. I know it was better today but it still has to get far better this offseason.
  11. All these games are turning into ass whippings except the Cowgirls/Dolphins
  12. Probably a mixed bag, TBH. We can't underestimate Green Bay's contributions. Maybe this propels us to a couple more wins before season end.
  13. I will say that is the most open our pass catchers have been all season. It was nice to finally see.
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