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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. I don't understand the concept from a viewers POV. Why would I watch someone who is spouting things they clearly don't believe just to get me to bite on being riled up? It doesn't make sense. Why would I watch if it is designed to make me outraged or mad? What is the point of that? I literally do not understand this concept at all. Billions of people fall for it but for the life of me I cannot understand it.
  2. By all accounts it is the atmosphere Tepper himself created. All these back channels are ultimately to him. The Browns owner had a big expose written where he sort of did the same in his organization. I don't think it's an isolated thing for bad owners. Snyder had similar.
  3. Agreed. We just need to see more of it. Developing some level of consistency will be critical.
  4. Yeah, unfortunately I don't think he has come to that realization yet. It seems his original idea of this basically being a hedge fund and him being able to be some revolutionary force is still alive and well. The only shot we have is for him to eventually figure it out. I fear that is a small chance as he seems less than introspective. Frankly, at his age I don't expect that to get better. Those things rarely do for most people.
  5. TBH there are a lot of factors that could be at play. Improved offensive scheme, improved QB play, improved receiver play, lightspeed terrible opponent, etc, etc. Almost impossible to tell with the one data point. Let's see how these next two games go and see if some trends emerge.
  6. I think we already know what that is going to look like. Tepper making too many of the calls with some help from whatever powerless and hapless GM there is. All handing a pile of turds over to an overpaid head coach to attempt to polish with two hands tied behind his back. I would love to be proved wrong but this has happened twice already.
  7. I finally understand all the Redskins fans. This is what that feels like.
  8. Unfortunately I think the biggest factor working against us is Tepper and his reputation. There are very few coaches interested in that nonsense and the ones that likely will be are more like Reich trying to get one big cash grab.
  9. I just disagree. You have to make a bigger impact on team success than a RB is capable of, IMO. I can see the counter argument against Hill, as well.
  10. I hated that draft at the time while people raved about it. The odds of getting successful players drops every round but we insisted on collection mid and late round picks with our better picks. It was fuging infuriating and it was a fuging disaster in hindsight.
  11. The truth is it doesn't matter what he does. If he is making the picks, they will be whiffs. Worst talent evaluator in the NFL.
  12. I'll believe it when I see it. Seems to me the only thing he has been able to do is shift gears to being worse and worse. Ron to Rhule to Frank. It is really going to have to take some poo for me to believe this time. This past offseason/season broke what remaining faith I had in him. He has to earn it back.
  13. We will see how it goes the next couple of games. I would like a repeat of this, obviously. Maybe some indication that things are headed in a positive direction.
  14. It didn't hurt to be facing the leagues worst secondary. IDC, I will take it either way. If nothing else maybe this will be a collective boost of confidence.
  15. I think that ship has probably sailed but if we look good on offense the next two games, it will be a net positiveoving towards next year. A win or two will be the cherries on top. We will still probably be looking at a rough offseason, I will wager. As excited as I was for last offseason, I am fuging DREADING this one.
  16. You know, I threw that at him with Rhule too but I think the more we look at everything, the majority of this crap has Fitt's fingerprints. If nothing else, he has no blame but is a completely useless "yes" man to both Rhule and Tepper. Fire him yesterday.
  17. It's Tyreek Hill at the moment, IMO. The 49ers had McCaffery but missed Williams and Deebo and lost games. It's goofy to include RB's in the MVP discussion anymore and especially on the 49ers. Lamar would be far better here than Bryce, that's not a question at all. Even under the pressure Bryce gets, Lamar would be scrambling ans making plays with his feet that Bryce isn't capable of. That's why he is so hard to defend(same as Cam, Vick, etc), you HAVE to account for his rushing ability AND his throwing ability. If you cheat one or the other, they are going to hurt you.
  18. He did the same with Hurney 2.0. He moved on from him a season after he should have. He just keeps doing things backwards. We'll hire a new HC this offseason and then try to find a GM to pair with him next offseason. It makes sense because it doesn't. That's the Tepper Panthers. Almost every single franchise in the NFL would have already fired Fitterer by now. He probably wouldn't have lasted until this season, for that matter.
  19. If he is able to put up 250+ over these next two games and look pretty decent, I think we have some hope(for him) moving towards 2024. If not, same as always, back to Tepper's gutter.
  20. I think Fitt is safe. Tepper continues to show he is always late with the very obvious. I suspect Fitt gets fired towards the end of 2024 after another extremely and obviously terrible offseason.
  21. That's just the sunshiners anymore. They shrivel at any criticism that dares to attempt to puncture their sphere of delusional perfection. Early on the majority of non-pointless haters(aka the "I AM RIGHT" crowd) were just mostly normal fans not wanting to throw the towel in. I was a big Bryce supporter buy I think it has become obvious that he needs an above average supporting cast to make any waves. He's basically at his best likely to be a game manager. He isn't an elite NFL QB.
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