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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. Damn Koochie. Gotta snag that one clean.
  2. Defense playing well. Shutting down a lot of opportunities as they are developing.
  3. Mike knows Pittsburgh is in the Eastern Time Zone...right?
  4. That was a bad PK. Literally solely luck that they didn't score.
  5. Let's get an early PP. Morning wood, if you will.
  6. Keep an eye on Kochetkov. If he is off, we are flat fuged.
  7. He doesn't even come close to being the most notorious Panthers QB for that. Jake threw so many wounded ducks that were facepalm inducing. Luckily he had Smitty to bail him out on a lot of those.
  8. And of you do, you can't throw a little floater out there like that. Freshman mistake.
  9. I have some thoughts but I am gonna wait to see the rest of the game. I suspect they will be controversial.
  10. I'd be less worried about that than playing on that fuging turf.
  11. For all the crying and whining about the bowl games and players not playing, it is actually a great opportunity to see the players for next year and evaluate them with live fire.
  12. Well the same dude missed both calls so that guy was just blind as bat.
  13. No, that's one that very commonly gets called. Picks they suck at but that was textbook. I am assume the line judge there was chasing butterflies or something. IDK how you could miss two insanely obvious calls inside 3 seconds.
  14. It's also EXTREMELY obvious OPI. 0-2 on that for the refs.
  15. If you look at his situation, he has a bubble of yes/hype men that have been around him his entire NFL career. I don't think there is much room for introspection. He probably has no idea he is hated like this.
  16. Highly unlikely. He has actually been very successful by UNC standards and all the old monied boosters will prop him up until he starts losing.
  17. No. He is one of those always positive guys that probably would get on your nerves. He is just gonna say some poo about "God's will" and then go on to fleece some other team.
  18. This would actually be a blowout but WVa is damned and determined to blow off both feet with these shots. Insanely sloppy.
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