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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. I am unable to watch but I am curious why Tyrod Taylor is doing what Jameis Winston jumped up onto a table and screamed to us. What gives?
  2. I think I might just retire from watching the Panthers play and read these threads instead. The stream of conscious, bipolar insanity is absolutely riveting. I forgot why I haven't done this in a while. This is epic.
  3. I am at work and unable to view this. Is the sky falling yet? It's always good to establish the season outlook in the first quarter of the first preseason game, as we all know.
  4. I am at least nearing half mast after reading about him.
  5. That explains it. I wondered info seemed to be so light on it. I think I am gonna scout it this weekend.
  6. I just found out about this place today. I don't know how it has been hiding from me.
  7. Would you promise to ONLY ever post from the throne?
  8. The success to compensation certainly doesn't match but there are some other factors to consider. The cast around Cam has been pretty subpar overall and the price was also largely dictated by what the market was for franchise(or at least perceived franchise) QB's. Most people that don't follow the Panthers are probably going to look at this and shake their heads or laugh. Our fanbase knows that it isn't as simple as some of the statistics may make it seem.
  9. 33. Didn't pay much attention to pro football until we got the Panthers. They have been frustrating me ever since.
  10. Stone Go To IPA. One of the best session IPA's on the planet.
  11. I actually heard this story VERBATIM months ago from someone that lived in the Tallahassee area. I was unsure about whether to believe it or not but he told it exactly as it was told to me. Wow.
  12. Cool. Always wondered how that worked. Appreciate the response.
  13. Okay. It's hard to tell from the satellite. How boned up is that wastewater?
  14. But what about the one down the road to the southwest? Kind of looked like it had a pit of some sort too.
  15. Does the derrick to the southwest also have a pit? Kind of looks like it from the satellite image.
  16. I guess. He is clearly better than most of the armchair GM's here, that much is obvious.
  17. I agree with the general theme but I will point out that both Gettleman and myself are tied in the amount of Super Bowls we have won as GM.
  18. Nah, he just passed out from the effects of post concussion syndrome.
  19. If you are gonna pass it why not roll out on a run/pass option? Much lower risk play.
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