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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. The temp checks are only relevant if you are running a fever and that is probably too late.
  2. Oh, this was FOR SURE predictable. Some people were going to be replaced anyway. You can't lay people off now because of optics. But next year will be a gold mine because even if these companies aren't actually struggling they now have a perfect excuse to jettison employees by saying, "Oh the stress from the Rona dun it to us! If we hadn't had that, we'd be able to keep all of you!" Meanwhile we underwent another gigantic wealth transfer from the government to corporations and shareholders.
  3. Anti-vaxxer. Fully out.
  4. Ouch. Now that is disturbing. Garden variety greed and corruption. Now that I could buy.
  5. Oh poo....I'm out. Those people are dumb.
  6. Eh....leans conspiracy theorish but it's hard to discount anything. NC had their rest homes get WRECKED with the CoronAIDS too. I did see a couple of articles recently on how bad it had been at reat homes in general. Super susceptible population, crammed in and exposed to health workers that had high probability to come in contact with it. TBH, they are kind of breeding grounds for it.
  7. I drank heavily during that period so I believe that made me immune. I have sponsored a recent study that proves keeping a certain BAC level will kill the virus. Should be published soon in Whiskey Quarterly.
  8. Jesus H. Buttfuging Christ....that is 70 minutes long. What is the Cliff's Notes?
  9. I have heard umpteen different stories across 5-6 states about people being sick as fug in Dec/Jan. At the same time, this illness mirrors a lot of other common illnesses that would be floating around at that time.
  10. I never tried to get one. They were required to work on site. I didn't seek them out nor pay for them. They literally set up a temporary testing spot at our workplace.
  11. Nope. It was the company that arranged all of it. They paid the Ford hospital a bunch of money to do exclusive testing for us at the job site. Got tested once a week for three weeks. One antibody test and three COVAIDS tests.
  12. Well I have gotten three tests so far and some people here have gotten as many as six. Think that probably warps the data too?
  13. We are actually 30th in the world in tests per capita. But, yeah, we are going a little overboard IMO. I have stayed pretty much on point with that throughout the whole episode. It's funny because a lot of people in this thread were freaking out at me.
  14. Well, the real quandary is what is the value of human life in the "big picture?" We number over 7 billion by most estimates, right? So, is the value of "overall" human life as great as we are it? I'm honestly on the fence about that. Perhaps that is just being jaded by seeing what we are instead of what we could be.
  15. That is just reality, though. And we don't have the systems in place to weather the storm. I am not sure we ever will, TBQH.
  16. Full lockdown works in theory. It didn't for us.
  17. Yeah that hasn't worked on those moronic anti-vaxxers yet.
  18. In fairness, they also don't have free access to testing, so it might be running rampant.
  19. It does spread. At my workplace it went from a few cases to over 250 in about a week. Now, most of the ones who tested positive turned out to be asymptomatic. I don't there there was a single hospitalization from the entire 250+ group. Could be wrong about that.
  20. Yeah, that was the best thing I have seen from this whole tragic episode so far. Basically nothing at all I disagreed with. I hope people listen. I hope they keep organizing, protesting, engaging in thoughtful and meaningful discourse(so, not on the internet), and being politically active. It blows my mind that the partisans can spin this as a political tool. It is fuging disgusting. Let people not forget who the partisans were during the struggle and let them not forget that they couldn't disengage from their "team" to deal with this. This isn't just a civil rights struggle, it is a HUMAN rights struggle. Abuse and injustice should be the least partisan issue of them all.
  21. Not sure if you saw Killer Mike's speech in ATL but I loved seeing him go after CNN for their constant stream of FUD they spew.
  22. Bars just opened up in Michigan today. I think I am gonna walk down to one to kind of see what is up. I'll snag a drink, maybe.
  23. Yeah we have a lot of those keyboard warrior types roaming the TB in here. All the time in the world to spread mayhem on the internet but can't be bothered to take it to the streets and do things for their communities. Basically lazy or cowards for the most part. Kudos to your cousin for ACTUALLY making a difference.
  24. CNN is too busy giving him puff pieces with he and his brother jerking each other off on TV. American media is a huge failure at examining leaders critically.
  25. Yeah that is most of these keyboard warriors. They have all the time in the world to argue on Twatter, Facebook, Instagram or wherever but can't be bothered to protest or call a representative or anything of real value. But the media will report on stupid fug social media beefs all day long.
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