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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. I don't think it is a matter of forbidding that move. I think almost every GM in the NFL without a franchise QB would gladly trade CMC(or any other elite RB) for a QB like Watson. The issue is that Houston has to want a player with a salary like that at a devalued position in the modern NFL. I don't really seen that as very likely considering they are already struggling with cap issues WITHOUT the impeding hit that a trade would cause.
  2. They mostly get paid by teams that don't end up reaping the rewards of those payments. Not sure the team that is about to have one of the worst salary cap situations in NFL history is a great example of financial responsibility, either.
  3. Yeah, that's certainly possible. Nerve injuries around the spine are crazy. I have flare ups of sciatica in my lower back and that can completely overwhelming all the feeling in your lower body. I have heard stories of having similar instances in your neck and how debilitating it can be.
  4. The choked out theory? No, that isn't really plausible. I could come up behind you and slip you into a chokehold for roughly that time(0.5-1 sec) and you wouldn't enjoy it but it would hardly be enough to even make you start to lose consciousness.
  5. Yeah, it's not an area you want to have an injury in. I've only had one concussion(probably moderate) but it definitely deleted some time for me and caused some odd lingering effects. I've had minor neck injuries and those are pretty strange(like I described before). Let's hope he doesn't suffer from more concussions in the next few years. I really want to see him play in the NFL for a long time.
  6. I have heard some wild theories already. One that he was "choked out" when he fell. But as an MMA fan, you don't choke someone out with a 0.5 second neck crank. You have to stop the blood flow for that to actually work. It looked like a concussion and I'd say it was a concussion. Even though his head didn't hit anything that hard he did suffer a violent deceleration and that was probably the cause of his brain smacking his skull(if it was a concussion). Just another example of "don't believe everything you read on the internet."
  7. It's not impossible that is true. I have certainly tweaked my neck badly before and it was like lightening shooting through my skull. Made my tongue go completely numb too. It will put you down for a minute. If it's just a neck strain, he should be able to play. You would think that would be widely reported on by now, though. Plus, he should be able to clear the protocol pretty easily because those symptoms aren't the same.
  8. Possible and probable are two different things. I think it is also 95% speculation at this point. Keep in mind he has to WANT to come here with a no-trade clause. Some of these bobbleheads are forgetting that. Also, and I do realize that Houston has had a pretty rough history of trades under Bill O'Brien....but CMC isn't really that desirable of a trade asset with that contract being what it is. It's not awful but I don't think teams are really going to be scrambling to get him either. TBH, our major trade asset is probably the guy none of us wants to see get traded. That being Brian Burns. He's an elite pass rusher with three years left on a rookie deal. If I am Houston, and the Panthers come calling....that's the guy I want in return.
  9. I mean, it was pretty bang bang and it didn't look that bad. I am guessing that just the force of that whipping motion right has he almost hits the ground that probably causes his brain to smash into his skull. He actually didn't really hit his head on the ground, it sort of hits the ball/his arm. It was just that violent deceleration that seems to get him. Pretty unfortunate. I really love watching him play and I would have liked to have seen an Allen vs. Mahomes playoff showdown.
  10. I don't think they even carry a third QB, do they? So what other option is there? IDK who they plan on making an emergency signing if/when Mahomes can't go, either. I just don't see it as reasonable for Mahomes to be playing unless he really didn't get a bad concussion. You just paid this man half a billion dollars. Don't turn him into a mush head this early on.
  11. We are lucky enough to have enough needs that taking a player that can help us shouldn't be too awful hard. However, if the top people on our board are gone(Tier 1, let's say) I would rather trade down and gain additional picks. We certainly need some cheap bodies to fill out our roster.
  12. Not necessarily. 2022 and 2023 are the obvious times that the Falcons could get out of his contract(although the dead cap will be painful). If you bring in a younger guy to sit for a year or so, you can always cut or trade Ryan. IMO, they aren't likely to do that. I just don't see Ryan as the reason they cannot get over the hump.
  13. I would say that scenario seems unlikely unless the non-Lawrence QB's all suffer some tumbling stock. If the Jets and Dolphins don't want QB's at those picks, I would think they could easily shop them for extra draft picks to move down to get the guys they have. TBD, obviously.
  14. He also signed another RB to a huge deal(Hurney 1.0 special), overpaid a LB, restructured KK's deal making some small gains for that offseason and making it harder to jettison him in the future, signed Bridgewater to that bigger than necessary deal, etc. This not to mention reaching on Gaulden, Little, etc. The dude was just not a good GM, even after "learning his lessons."
  15. Even better, we send our worst two GM's to nuke franchises in the NFC East. This couldn't have worked out better.
  16. Reimer > Mrazek. Have said this since last season.
  17. Yeah but they also don't create content worth paying for.
  18. That's actually why I DON'T feel sorry for him. It's HIS lessons that he isn't learning.
  19. It's basically what their fans say about the franchise all the time. It seemed so fitting.
  20. He is definitely the man for the WTF's. I cannot wait to see how bad that Hurney/Rivera combo is up there.
  21. LOL. Looked that up, not only is Ron the first with two playoff appearances with under .500 record......he accounts for two of the three times in NFL history that has happened!
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