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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. Oh I have been jawing with a fan during the game. In their eyes this isn't their fault. It's the evil ACC who refuses to let them compete. Meanwhile.....
  2. I mean, there is no offense in the NFL that has less offense than ours. I don't think there is any even remotely close
  3. Eh....I mean I HATE Alabama and I dislike Michigan, so I don't really care in that one. I'm all in on Washington. All three of those other teams are loaded with entitled, cunty, whiny fans.
  4. The NIL and transfer portal made college football more interesting than ever. Your fortunes can change in one offseason. If FSU had all the guys sitting out in this game and so did UGa....this is still what this game would look like. That's the thing people seem to refuse to see. FSU isn't built ANYTHING like UGa. UGa is as deep a team as there is in college football. FSU is literally a couple of seasons removed from their lowest period in 35 years. FSU had no business thinking they deserved a shot without Travis.
  5. Can't wait to hear the post game presser from Norvell and the FSU gang.
  6. This has been my favorite bowl game all season! The biggest whiners in all of college football getting pantsed! The ACC should just introduce this game tape as evidence in their court case.
  7. That's not the way it works. You wouldn't accept that line of logic at your own job either. We offered $23 mil, apparently. That is a fair number(a little high for me, TBH). But, we have telegraphed everything and allowed him and his agent to know we think he is the best DE in the NFL.
  8. Big Ten has been overrated all year and it's showing in the bowls. Doesn't bode well for Michigan
  9. I mean, let's not get carried away with the "no excuse to lose" stuff. We are still one of the least talented teams in the NFL. That makes everything quite a bit harder.
  10. Bruh, I have been in the Detroit area quite a bit over the past 4 years. They don't show up to games here unless they are good. Goff season 1 I got club level seats near the end of the year for less than face. Saw them beat Arizona.
  11. Oh he isn't one of, he is easily the worst poster here. He is basically a dumber Google Jim Bob Cooter.
  12. Yeah, I mean he obviously keeps rolling the bus over Wilson, so I am sure he is in their ear telling them to get rid of him. But, you know that is the spot Payton picked so that is on him. I am willing to bet he will flounder for a while to find a better QB than Wilson. I can't wait to see it.
  13. If Burns believes in himself enough, he should ask for a 2-3 year deal. At the end of that, the market will be even more crazy and the cap will be larger. But it's risky.
  14. He said he has "hated change since he was a kid." Everyone in their lives knows people like that. They are creatures of habit and just get comfortable, almost regardless of the situation. It's possible he is just one of those guys.
  15. I don't think SP deserves really any credit for the cap wizardry in New Orleans. That was their FO people. Payton is good at evaluating talent but I am EXTREMELY doubtful that Payton has much salary cap acumen. Not to mention, Russell didn't say it was Payton that came to him about the contract, it was the Broncos FO. Which, that makes complete sense. That contract is brutal. And I fuging love it.
  16. Fire Scott Fitterer. That's the biggest immediate roster improvement we can make.
  17. You know the saddest part about this whole fiasco is had the Rams deal never been published or had never been made, none of this would have likely transpired. At that point this false market probably doesn't exist and his agent doesn't have the leverage he does now because they are aware of how Scott Fitterer valued him. At that point maybe we are negotiating about a 18-20ish million a year deal.
  18. FSU gonna get dog walked. Can't wait to see it.
  19. Hopefully the Broncos get dump trucked the two games that Wilson misses and Stidham shits the bed hard. That's a win-win as the fanbase will turn on each other over the Wilson/Payton feud.
  20. Burns should be in the $20-25 mil range on a long term deal. At this point, IDGAF about what his camp thinks or that trade that LA offered. That ship sailed and then he played this season. If anything, his market value probably regressed slightly. Ideally we work it out for a reasonable deal on a reasonable length. If he really does want to stay here, I am guessing we probably do see two years of franchise tag play.
  21. Lololololololol Finish the game on a PP.
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