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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. Like I said, no, no, no. All that trading down in an attempt to get more picks almost always fails miserably. There is are two accepable scenarios to trade down: 1. Crazy haul(see what the Bears got from us) 2. You don’t really love many of the remaining guys on the board. Outside that it is almost ALWAYS a mistake to trade down.
  2. I'd rather be taking the 2nd round projected QB's than the 1st round guys in this draft, TBH. Maybe outside Daniels, anyway.
  3. Be prepared to be disappointed. Tepper is always a year behind on that poo. Plus not hiring a GM this cycle guarantees our next GM won't get to pick his HC. #TepperMagic
  4. You aren’t even scratching the surface.
  5. No, no, no. No more fuging trading down. All that does is load up our roster with guys that will be off it in 2 seasons. Get a GM that isn’t an idiot and draft BPA. Don’t fuging overthink it.
  6. Sure, as long as you never watch his games or look at his stats or his results. If you don’t do any of those things, he could be.
  7. You had me until you quoted another obvious bust, Justin Fields.
  8. Oh the play on the field is the least depressing thing about our franchise at the moment.
  9. LMAO. Did his own teammate strip him??? That is hilarious(TD or not).
  10. Those pale in comparison to the question marks at owner and GM.
  11. Yeah, I guess the GB secondary trouble is more recent. Allowed 693 yards passing the past two weeks.
  12. Well, that just means he isn’t an elite talent and that his open market value is going to be far lower than he wants. If that is indeed the case, he better very quickly take that long term $23 mil deal that we offered. He won't see that kind of money again.
  13. Say what you want but Bennett was a very good college QB.
  14. TBH, I don't really view any of the other openings as competition in the same race. If you want the most money, no one will beat us. If you want the best situation, we were never in the running in the first place.
  15. This is a must watch with Lawrence out. Jacksonville is a very beatable opponent. It's interesting because, similar to Green Bay, Jacksonville's Achilles Heel on defense is their secondary.
  16. You mean the guy that is 2nd on our team in +/-? Dude, be mad about whatever you want but it doesn't make you right.
  17. You are just grasping at straws with the "too slow" stuff. He is the same level of slow as last year. He's.....slow.
  18. It was a goal. Herculean effort. Wouldn't feel bad about that at all.
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