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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. What?? When did that change?
  2. Except you charge out the ass for weekend delivery.
  3. USPS > UPS > DHL > Pony Express > putting it in the river in the general direction of the destination > attaching it to a balloon > setting it on fire > FedEx
  4. Lol. Talking about reading into an article what you want. The modeler says they aren't using it correctly and the model clearly comes with a disclaimer about what it is for. Not his fault some dummies in NC can't figure it out or use it properly. "I don't need those fuging directions. I can figure out how to put it together."
  5. I won't say that very early on that I said the economic impacts of staying in quarantine would far outweigh the death toll from this virus but.......
  6. Supposedly those are not very accurate. They scrapped them here after round one of nasal swabs.
  7. Yeah, they are gonna make everyone do this three more fuging times. We took antibody tests too. This is partly to salvage a situation in which a power plant is offline and doesn't have enough people to get it operational again but it's also a local university that is doing the testing, so at some level I feel like this is them improving/testing their process, as well. It's unpleasant but I am generally okay with that. Better testing is a net positive. The utility is very lucky the local media has not caught wind of all this, considering they have effectively tripled the amount of infections in the entire county in less than two weeks. The test is unpleasant but we give kids a bunch of shots too. It's just the price of admission. At some point a reliable test needs to be administered that can give more accurate results quickly, however. The lag time in results is a big weakness.
  8. 420k? Oh Colorado....even in unemployment you can't get off the weed.
  9. 241 positive cases at work now. Pretty solid. Also, the nasal swab test sucks. They try to scrub your fuging frontal lobe.
  10. Had an antibody test(double negatives) and an RNA test recently. Workplace is a huge bloom in Michigan. 75 confirmed cases so far, 260+ quarantined. Expecting to see 100-300 positives from this facility.
  11. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/experts-think-we-need-an-army-of-public-health-workers-to-safely-return-to-normal/ https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/why-did-the-world-shut-down-for-covid-19-but-not-ebola-sars-or-swine-flu/
  12. See the 538 article posted earlier regarding case counts.
  13. I have been traveling across PA, through OH and now to Detroit. It is funny to see the variations in how people in each area deal with this pandemic.
  14. Probably not many can. I'll wager no one actually read the whole article.
  15. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/coronavirus-case-counts-are-meaningless/ A long read(more than the average Huddler can handle) but a good look at why being hyper focused on case counts can be very misleading.
  16. Yeah, it is so fuging strange. Eventually you just accept it and filter basically everything.
  17. I actually had a kid in the neighborhood that was one growing up so I was exposed to it early. He was the craziest one I ever dealt with too. He would lie about poo you were currently looking at.
  18. Politicians lie but pathological liars lie almost all the time. He is a pathological liar. If people can't see that by now, then they have never been exposed to any prior to his popularity.
  19. We were gonna make it anyway. The virus has a low mortality rate.
  20. That dolt is gonna burn his way through those filters quick.
  21. My buddy took this at a grocery store in CLT. LMAO
  22. Some of the power generation utilities have already established measures like China. You get quizzed on your health prior to entry and they take your temp. If you fail, denied entry and quarantined.
  23. CLT is on Thursday according to some communications from one of the energy utilities there. Currently driving to Philadelphia to support a utility project.
  24. The economic apocalypse will be far worse than the virus apocalypse. I would definitely be in favor of some sensible measures. Temperature screenings, dramatic increases in testing, mandatory mask wearing. Basically a lot of the things Asian countries did. If an area is having widespread virus infections, lock down tighter. Otherwise, you are just going to create another Great Depression. We are teetering on that edge currently.
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