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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. Well, the real quandary is what is the value of human life in the "big picture?" We number over 7 billion by most estimates, right? So, is the value of "overall" human life as great as we are it? I'm honestly on the fence about that. Perhaps that is just being jaded by seeing what we are instead of what we could be.
  2. That is just reality, though. And we don't have the systems in place to weather the storm. I am not sure we ever will, TBQH.
  3. Full lockdown works in theory. It didn't for us.
  4. Yeah that hasn't worked on those moronic anti-vaxxers yet.
  5. In fairness, they also don't have free access to testing, so it might be running rampant.
  6. It does spread. At my workplace it went from a few cases to over 250 in about a week. Now, most of the ones who tested positive turned out to be asymptomatic. I don't there there was a single hospitalization from the entire 250+ group. Could be wrong about that.
  7. Yeah, that was the best thing I have seen from this whole tragic episode so far. Basically nothing at all I disagreed with. I hope people listen. I hope they keep organizing, protesting, engaging in thoughtful and meaningful discourse(so, not on the internet), and being politically active. It blows my mind that the partisans can spin this as a political tool. It is fuging disgusting. Let people not forget who the partisans were during the struggle and let them not forget that they couldn't disengage from their "team" to deal with this. This isn't just a civil rights struggle, it is a HUMAN rights struggle. Abuse and injustice should be the least partisan issue of them all.
  8. Not sure if you saw Killer Mike's speech in ATL but I loved seeing him go after CNN for their constant stream of FUD they spew.
  9. Bars just opened up in Michigan today. I think I am gonna walk down to one to kind of see what is up. I'll snag a drink, maybe.
  10. Yeah we have a lot of those keyboard warrior types roaming the TB in here. All the time in the world to spread mayhem on the internet but can't be bothered to take it to the streets and do things for their communities. Basically lazy or cowards for the most part. Kudos to your cousin for ACTUALLY making a difference.
  11. CNN is too busy giving him puff pieces with he and his brother jerking each other off on TV. American media is a huge failure at examining leaders critically.
  12. Yeah that is most of these keyboard warriors. They have all the time in the world to argue on Twatter, Facebook, Instagram or wherever but can't be bothered to protest or call a representative or anything of real value. But the media will report on stupid fug social media beefs all day long.
  13. If Alabama and Auburn don't have football, the state of Alabama will burn to the ground. There is only so much incest that will keep the football fans at bay. You just think you've seen riots now....wait until Saban announces that the Tide won't be rolling in the fall.
  14. poo, that is already rampant. A corporation is stupid not to jump on the bandwagon for the sake of PR. They don't really care, however. We all know it.
  15. People in high risk need to be very cautious and people need to be very cautious around them. Other than that, if we simply did testing and contact tracing frequently(two things which we could have paid for with our corporate bailouts), continue to use masks and clean(which should really be done anyway), and provide economically for people that have to be quarantined(maybe by using the payroll supplement systems that some European countries have been) then this damage could have been avoided. But that hasn't and likely won't happen. It may be a pessimistic view but it is also a realistic one. The regular citizens will bear the burden of this, not the wealthy and not most corporations. That is the American reality
  16. We will see about the vaccine. I am skeptical that it will happen on the aggressive timeline that the most optimistic people seem to be suggested. Time will tell. We aren't going to agree on the other points. The corona crisis is going to destroy more people's lives with the rampant poverty it is creating by our government's unbelievable mishandling of this entire episode. In theory, had we simply quarantined as was suggested this should have been over by now. It's pretty clear that didn't happen. All of these things you want to happen are extremely unlikely, although very achievable. We don't live in the idealized American country. It isn't real and it largely never has been. I hate to break it to you but the results in December will have little impact on most of the factors that create the underlying economic and social issues we are battling with. The level of corruption that exists here will not be rooted out easily and likely not at all. As citizens, we largely are to blame for that because of our apathy and inaction. So, yeah, fug it. Let's just get it over with.
  17. The data has changed very little from the initial Chinese study. It was largely mirrored by the results in Italy and it has remained largely the same since that point. Continuing the economic assault on the lower class is going to have consequences. You can see the results of it in the protests at state capitals to end the quarantine and some of the rioting/looting after George Floyd's murder. People are just generally on edge and it's wearing on the public. The fact is that we aren't going to make any meaningful legislation to help the workers, the essential employees or any of the people that were really devastated by this. We chose unemployment instead of a payroll program(which likely would have been cheaper if you look at what happened in Europe), we chose vast massive bailouts to large corporations instead of meaningful programs for small businesses and we didn't make testing free or federally funded. So it's pretty clear now as it was before the coronavirus that our corrupt government doesn't really give a poo about us. At that rate, we may as well reopen the country and let people live their lives, with knowledge of the risks. If that doesn't happen, it is just going to accelerate the destruction of the lower class and increase their despair. Having 40+ million desperate, poverty stricken citizens is not going to end well. Having an entire generation without any job prospects or future aside from the gig economy and giant retailers is not going to end well. If you think the riots and looting that were happening during the protesting was an accident, you haven't been paying much attention. People without any prospects or hope aren't going to be that far from making that jump to just taking whatever poo they want to help them survive.
  18. Exactly. We aren't going to do the things that would make things safer for the people and not place the undue burden on anyone but the populace. We are more than capable of funding testing in this country and the government paying for it. But that won't happen. Ever. So, you may as well open back up. If the people are going to be forced to bear the entire burden of the epidemic, at least they will have the ability to decide for themselves how they want to handle it.
  19. You are making an assumption that vaccine is coming. SARS 1 still does not have a vaccine to this day. That unemployment is going to run out. And those people will not have jobs. Those small businesses that closed aren't going to re-open. If you think the government is going to take take of us, you are being willfully ignorant of the history of this country and it's attitudes and actions towards it citizens. As I said, I'm sick of it and I am done with it. If anything, the fact that all those things seem to have been largely abandoned by the populace speaks volumes. People are just over it.
  20. Testing stopped the outbreak at my workplace. Every employee got tested every week. People got quarantined and they did contact tracing. There hasn't been a positive case on site for about 2 weeks now.
  21. I don't like M&M's so I'd just hand them back. We make calculated risks every day. Driving cars, eating processed food, smoking, eating food not nuked to the "proper" temp. It's part of life. I wasn't particularly worried basically at any point, even when at my workplace outside of Detroit they had over 250 positive cases and over 500 quarantined. I am not in the high risk category so my odds of perishing are very low. I wash my hands anyway and I wear the masks because I am required. Other that, I don't give much more of a poo now than I did then. I am not gonna let fear dictate whatever long or short life I have remaining, especially when the risk is so very low. This is going to keep happening. Outbreaks happen. Life can't grind to a halt because of each calamity. Evaluate the risks, avoid the high risks and just keep trucking along.
  22. I have been basically all over Michigan and Ohio for the past 2 months and you can pretty clearly see people are relaxing the social distancing, mask wearing, etc. Honestly, most people are just sort of over the whole thing. I suspect we are gonna see the cases jump very high, the infection rates skyrocket and basically end up with roughly the same result as if we had just simply done nothing at all. TBQH, looking at the way the virus has moved and some of the obvious economic damage to people that actually matter(small businesses and people who are now unemployed), we probably should have simply just done nothing anyway. But, that's probably a callous take. For myself, if it starts going in breakaway mode again, I'm not really going to go out of my way to actively avoid it. fug it, I've seen the statistics, I'll take my chances. I'm just really over all this and I think most people are starting to feel that way.
  23. Yeah for poo like that I always do UPS. If I really need it there on a deadline. USPS cannot get it done. And the Ground is cheap AF. BUT.....if it can fit in a flat rate box....it is hard to beat USPS. And you can't fug with their International rates, either.
  24. Damn. How did I miss that?
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