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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. https://www.startalkradio.net/show/coronavirus-and-conspiracy-theories-with-michael-shermer/
  2. They refuse to admit that such a large part of who they are has become that online format. It is a little more understandable(albeit still unhealthy) in the Coronaverse but it isn't underatandable otherwise. You can't text people? You can't call? You can't meet them? It's also a refusal to admit that they really are addicted to it.
  3. And the FCC also rolled back rules making it more difficult to establish media monopolies in 2017. It also has attacked Net Neutrality in the past few years. The attacks on the American viewer are just increasing and they pale in comparison to what the social media companies do. We know the truth, however. Those are not battles that will be won by the populace.
  4. It's really sick. I am not for government intervention into media, because it is rarely for good purposes but at some point there needs to be some amount of level headed oversight to police this garbage. And these local media super monopolies need to be abolished, as well. But, none of that is going to happen and the damage is largely done. At this point, may as well just sit back and watch this place steadily come to pieces with a nice drink in hand. fug it.
  5. It is unbelievable the real behavioral changes that poo causes in people. I had a roommate on a contract job once that was an older guy from southern Georgia, fairly reasonable but conservative. Generally a pretty decent dude. But he would come home from work and while I would be prepping food, he'd turn on Fox News and would literally be screaming at the top of his lungs at the poo they were stirring up. It was NUTS. And you see the results of this kind of poo all the time. I have a friend's wife that I berated once because she just started spewing unfiltered MSNBC talking points that were VERIFIABLY untrue. People cannot pull their heads out of their asses and realize that this is what they want. They want divisiveness, fear and anger. Because for some reason people will watch more and then they get more ratings which gets them more money. And social media is even fuging worse. I tell people all the time. Turn that poo off. Just don't pay attention. It is amazing how much better you feel when you leave social media and TV behind.
  6. The platforms evolved to actually fug with your brain chemistry. It is fuging disturbing. I only keep Facebook around for beer/bourbon related groups. If that vanished tomorrow, so would my FB account.
  7. There would be less than 1% of the human population left.
  8. Twitter is just the continuation of having complete freedom to communicate to the world, while reducing human interaction to it's most disturbing elements. Social media is a net negative. I have literally said that for years. All the way back to the MySpace days. It was cool and fun at one time but it was also really easy to see how it would end up and it fulfilled my expectations and then some.
  9. Perhaps that is the case, perhaps not. Too many unknowns. We'll have a much better idea in 2-10 years. The mask is an inconvenience. People just need to get over it.
  10. Part of that is they are trying to account for lack of full information. Some of it is just they way that study/group/person decided to estimate. That is why I don't really get upset at some of the ranges of estimates based on the best available data. It is what it is.
  11. They way they are counting Rona deaths is not drastically different than other disease outbreaks. I realize we live in an information age but we really are not going to have 100% solid, indisputable evidence of EXACTLY who died from the virus. That isn't reasonable. There isn't some grand conspiracy, it's just that people don't understand how those numbers are gathered and what they sometimes mean. The media doesn't help by being as dumb or dumber than the people they are spraying information to.
  12. Big shocker there. Kids are super spreaders of just about any illness that is easily spread by contact or hampered by simple hygiene.
  13. So, outside the food trucks, just a bunch of insufferable twats, for the most part?
  14. Now the bad news.... https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/the-unemployment-rate-is-falling-but-more-people-are-losing-their-jobs-permanently/
  15. That was literally a direct result of having a Republican super majority in the state. I remember that and saw that whole thing go down. That is really just the tip of the iceberg of what those robbers did to the citizens of the state. I am a moderate but I couldn't be further from the modern Republican party. As corrupt as the Democratic party is, they pale in comparison to the naked disdain the Republican party has for working people and small businesses.
  16. That's cause everyone is huddled together inside to escape the 320 K temps.
  17. I have worn Delta suits, bubble suits, PAPR's......it ain't that bad
  18. We're saying the same thing. We have just normalized insanity.
  19. In fairness we have been fuged for a long time and much longer than you've been alive. Look at it this way, you might just get to tell people you saw the end of it.
  20. I believe that you believe math is fake. That checks out.
  21. If you don't believe in math, sure.
  22. Head in the sand politics at it's finest.
  23. Here is some American exceptionalism for you, the US has roughly 4.3% of the world's population yet 25.7% of the Rona worldwide deaths and 25.8% of the worldwide Rona cases.
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