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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. Goddamn. Another elite throw by Penix
  2. I like this Jones guy on TX. Looks like he would fit on our OL very well.
  3. Pipe dream. No way Tepper will do it.
  4. These are much, much, much, MUCH better offenses than the first game. Also both very leaky pass defenses.
  5. We could take the best of the 2nd round QB's but Tepper would never allow it.
  6. Was that a giant white butthole on the stadium?
  7. The possible 2nd round QB's in this draft are bananas. Hence why I say I'd rather take a 2nd round QB in this draft than a 1st round QB(minus Daniels who I really like).
  8. I'm all Huskies for these playoffs. Super easy team to pull for.
  9. Yeah, I think it's prerty clear the known biggest cheater is Michigan at the moment. I am not worried about it. They aren’t as good as Washington or Texass.
  10. He freaked out after that bad snap. Now why he went straight into a pile of players is anyone's guess. I am assuming they have to be looking to upgrade QB in the offseason
  11. Lol. How does Alabama recruit this well and have such a bad center? That is insane.
  12. I sort of figured OT would favor MI.
  13. Their QB sucks, TBH. He would look like ass on a regular CFB team.
  14. Undoubtedly. Alabama would be up 30+ points.
  15. Yep. Halftime adjustments are killing Michigan. Must be the stuff that Michigan didn’t have on their sideline film.
  16. I somewhat suspected this would happen when the pregame people kept harping on how much MI takes care of the ball.
  17. I got Bama by 14. Dislike them intensely but Michigan rarely doesn’t poo the bed in these big games.
  18. Not at all. They went that route because Ward declared for the draft. DJU is a highly mediocre college QB. He has solely played on EMBARRASINGLY talented teams with paltry results.
  19. Jeff Otah was actually quite good. He didn’t get derailed by poor play, he got derailed by injuries. That is not remotely an apples to apples comparison.
  20. Should have been UGa vs. Oregon. Let FSU and Liberty play each other. Similar programs.
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