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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. I wasn't really worried about the holding out an much as some of the fanbase was. If he is holding out with 2 years remaining on his rookie deal(which already had him as a top 10 paid back), I start shopping him for picks. If he holds out when you tag him, then the tough choices have to be made.
  2. I don't think they mean specifically athletically, although it is certainly a big part of the modern NFL. Stafford also has an elite arm, which is something Teddy absolutely doesn't have. That is the big boost from Teddy. Stafford has great intangibles and has an elite arm.
  3. Well we offered a 1st and 5th for him, reportedly. I'd say we viewed him pretty highly.
  4. Parsons is classic Panthers bad draft pick. I like Slater if he is available, although I would prefer Sewell.
  5. Trask is an upgrade at #2 but not much else. If we don't like Teddy, we definitely aren't going to like Trask.
  6. Well if we looked at Watson and Stafford but not Wentz....that gives me some hope they know what they are doing.
  7. It may cost almost that price to move up if the speculation is accurate.
  8. Well Teddy is a 3 on a 10 point QB scale, so that makes trips.
  9. Wait until you see the deal with sign Alex Armah to.
  10. Agreed. It is definitely one of the least informed hot takes I have seen.
  11. He's tradeable in any Watson scenario. Hell, someone offer up two first round draft picks, I'd trade him for that. In most other scenarios the greater harm is to us. I also can't fathom King's choice of players. It seems so heavily weighted in our favor that it doesn't seem logical.
  12. I have been using it for years. I need to add it to Urban Dictionary.
  13. He didn't establish him being "untradeable" he just alluded to what many people already knew, which was trading him entails a large chunk of dead cap this offseason. In the deal King proposed(which is actually fairly ridiculous, IMO) we would actually end up with more cap space free, not less.
  14. You don't play through a high ankle sprain or an AC separation(depending on what grade). That isn't smart for him or the team, regardless of the postion the team had been in.
  15. fug that....can you imagine what our 2015 team could have done with our offensive line? CMC with that line still probably doesn't net many victories because he was mainly here while we have been poo(outside his rookie year). With that 2003 line on our 2015 team, Von Miller is stuffed, Cam Newton stays upright and we dust those motherfugers for a title.
  16. I would say it's statistically unlikely. With the contract he has, we definitely need him to be that outlier or it is going to be one of those classic Panthers flubs. I would really like to not add any more to that pile. We have two more of them currently sitting on our books as it is(3 more if you count KK's dead money). I think 2021 will be critical. If he can remain healthy, it will ease some of the pain of the price we will be paying.
  17. If it is not an injury based shitting the bed, it obviously puts the whole franchise on the hot seat. Then you go from looking like an aggressive staff, front office and owner to looking like early Dan Snyder and the Foreskins. However, if it is just one bad season and he returns to form, that would dissipate quickly.
  18. That is probably better off being a programmed or database thing. It would probably choke Excel.
  19. Oh I am in no way shape or form mad at HIM for taking that deal. Get your money. I am mad at Marty Hurney and our front office at the time for making such an unbelievably boneheaded decision. There was absolutely no reason to sign him with 2 years remaining on his deal and had we just not done that, we'd probably not be paying the ridiculous sum that we are now. But, that is Hurney 101, dump unholy money into positions of lower value or guys that don't deserve it(and this is definitely not CMC). Yeah, CMC is the second dumbest contract we have. Teddy is by far the dumbest.
  20. Not making it to 11 to 12 years isn't retiring early. RB's have an average career length of 2.7 seasons in the NFL. It is rare for them to play even 10 years.
  21. It's rarer for QB's to put up video game numbers in losing efforts than it is for RB's to put up video game numbers in losing efforts in the modern NFL. We will get to see a good example of how that works out in Los Angeles this year. Matt Stafford is a top 10 QB that has been on a dumpster fire of a franchise. I'll be curious to see how that works out. The biggest issue with RB's is that they rarely change teams in their prime, because their effective years are so unbelievably short. By the time CMC's contract is up(assuming he makes it to that), he'll likely be a shell of himself. That's just the way it goes for RB's in the NFL.
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