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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. There was one available before that, as well. Definitely not confident headed into OT.
  2. Jesus. Almost jinxed that. More high end chances allowed. Not seeing us be able to close this out.
  3. Still letting up too many Grade A chances on goal.
  4. Guys, I just missed that goal to go piss. You're welcome.
  5. Ned has been shaky. A little surprised we didn't see Mrazek, TBH.
  6. Guys, please be more specific about your complaints. Each time I do we seem to remedy it.
  7. I am disappointed how sloppy we are playing. Definitely can't hang this on Ned.
  8. We will have to win road games to win a Stanley Cup. Losing to a vastly inferior opponent isn't a good start. Especially when you get dominated like we have in this game. The bulk of the quality scoring chances have been theirs and the physical play has been in their favor. We gotta circle the wagons here or this series might be pretty rough for us.
  9. The longer we let them stick around, the more trouble we will be in for not just this game but the series. Gotta put the fuging knife to their throat.
  10. I think Bonnafon is just one of those guys that has flashes but definitely isn't any better than dozens of RB's that flame out of the NFL(or get passed on) every year. He is another "second staff that doesn't see it" guy, like Little. It is what it is, he was hardly a bust. I agree. Hopefully he can fill the shoes from last season and hopefully we actually get to see him a lot this season.
  11. Basically how I have it, as well. Great thread again, @MHS831.
  12. I predict that when Bonnafon(All Huddle JAG Team 2018-2020) gets waived(again) that there will be much wailing in gnashing of teeth in here.
  13. Yeah, if we don't improve on the outside after the offseason moves, it would be an absolute disaster. On paper that unit should be much better, deeper and more versatile.
  14. It may limit your scheme flexibility somewhat. Norman was primarily his most effective in zone. I don't think 4.54 is enough to limit him but I don't think his ceiling is any higher than Troy Pride was. Taylor is one of those guys that might end up in the rotation or he might be off the team in a year or two. But, he was a fifth rounder, so even sticking around on special teams is not bad.
  15. I do like that there is more time to go get beer or food at halftime. Or cool something. Or change the channel to watch something not dumb. Plus, you know you have easily 45 minutes of "still not game" built in on the front end if your cooking/grilling/smoking schedule gets out of whack.
  16. Agreed. The whole thing is goofy as fug. I want to know who gets picked and see some instant analysis and highlights of the player. IDGAF about all the event around it.
  17. I would definitely disagree. It's easy to look good when you are only playing other weak teams in the conference. That why those out of conference games and bowl games usually give a good indication of relative conference strength every season. Last season we missed most of the early season games that give the other portion of that frame of reference. That is largely why it was hard to see how poor the ACC was.
  18. I mean, I can't make your reality. You do that.
  19. I mean, if you want to live in the fantasy of the ACC being good in 2020 to make yourself feel better, have at it.
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