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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. I really just don't think you are fully grasping what you are watching.
  2. That is the hope but those guys were also veteran players, as well. It is what it is. If nothing else, we should have a high draft pick in 2025(top 5) so that could help solve that problem. Provided our owner and FO get their heads out of their asses. That part seems like a distant possibility.
  3. Sadly, there is very little to look at and see a lot of hope moving forward. Even without a lot of help, the instances of Bryce elevating play were basically nonexistent. As an original Bryce guy, I was expecting top shelf decision making and pinpoint accuracy. Literally none of that was the case. He looks like an extremely flawed prospect and that's a problem when you have a much lower physical ceiling than any of the other first round QB's.
  4. I assume this is tongue in cheek??? Chark, Hurst and Sanders were probably some of the worst offseason signings in the entire NFL. Especially Sanders.
  5. We will never know who had what part in any of the decisions. But, it's becoming increasingly clear that Tepper's fingerprints are on just about everything. Similar to Snyder, Al Davis, Jerry Jones, etc. All the worst of the meddling owners.
  6. I doubt Fitterer made all the calls. Tepper was probably responsible for a significant chunk.
  7. I have no strong opinion of this move. I sort of think it's all a charade anyway. Tepper is really pulling all the strings. Hence why no matter what happens, I really have no intention of blaming Dan Morgan for any of this future shitshow.
  8. CMC wouldn't have moved the bar much for them. That isn’t an NFL make or break position. They needed WR's who could catch in that game. On the year they largely needed Allen to stop turning the ball over.
  9. I would say option 1 should be Dalton. But, if a great option exists at 33, we'd be fools not to take it. BPA all the way. We have too many holes to fill in one offseason. This will be a multi-year rebuild.
  10. It's funny that the Cam hype man hates the most Cam QB that has ever existed.
  11. This place will burn to the ground if he accepts a job in the division.
  12. Well, ultimately Tepper is the real GM. If he ever steps away from such an active role, there is some possible chance we could get a good GM or HC. I don't see that possibility for at least another 5 years.
  13. I mean I would personally probably hire a GM and head coach. Seems like a good start.
  14. Gettleman was very clearly the second worst GM in franchise history(leagues better than Fitterer, however). He had early success that went to his head and he got very arrogant about everything he did from then on. His drafting was very spotty, as well. He had a couple of our worst drafts in franchise history. It wasn't a surprise that he struggled so much in NY.
  15. With Smitty on that team, we probably win that game. He is the type of guy that would have willed us to victory and been the safety net that we didn’t have. Especially with Cam getting mauled all game(that wouldn't have changed).
  16. The team and Cam split the blame on how his career was cut so short. We did a terrible job of protecting him and setting him up for success. BUT.....as Cam himself admitted, he really bought into the Superman stuff to the extent that he played TOO physically hard. He didn’t help himself by thinking/knowing HE had to be the one to get that extra yard or fight for that extra second. We didn’t protect him and he didn't protect himself. Sadly, his legacy will probably largely(and unfairly) be as an example to these massive and/or super athletic QB's that the league is made for QB's to be in the pocket. I am glad to see a guy like Lamar Jackson see what's up and adjust how he plays the game. Versus guys like Josh Allen and Anthony Richardson who are just living on borrowed time.
  17. The Teppers and maybe some FO people. It will be atrocious, I am sure.
  18. Too glossy. Better off just rolling it up and using it as a scraper.
  19. This is ridiculous. It smears too much.
  20. He will interview poorly here. Bank on it.
  21. I rather, doubt it, TBH. I would think more likely that we are still less than 6 wins. But, the Texans with Young aren't likely to be a playoff team either. I think the truth is somewhere in the middle. We are bad enough that all the rookie QB flaws would be amplified and also Stroud is clearly the better long term NFL prospect.
  22. Drafting OL should happen every single draft. That is something we should never stop trying to improve. If for no other reason than depth.
  23. Yeah, well keep in mind he would also have none of the massive advantages he has there. Tons of talent, a very capable front office and an entire organization that understands what building a success looks like. Tomlin(or most of these guys) probably don’t look as hot with the equivalent of a meth head playing with tinker toys in comparison to the Steelers situation.
  24. That's where I wonder about all these guys saying Shanahan. That dude has had an embarrassment of talent with the 49ers.
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