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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. I will never understand the Mac Jones stans. He seems like such an obvious example of a guy that has a very low NFL ceiling. And I don't mean to say that he can't be a great #2 QB in the NFL at some point but nothing about him screamed long term NFL starting material.
  2. He's probably a little better than Stidham.....maybe. Either way, the idea that any of those guys could actually compete with Cam is laughable. Once that happens, Cam's career is truly over.
  3. Yeah, even if you are old school, can you imagine knocking out someone like DJ or CMC and potentially jeopardizing their season? Even if people can't buy into the new mentality, you don't want to be potentially injuring teammates prior to the season. Ever.
  4. iamhubby1 for sure. SBBlue needs the emotional support.
  5. I mean, I am not the one that came in all butthurt over a message board comment. I get it though, sometimes the internet is hard for people that aren't used to it.
  6. If Cam didn't win that job is says a lot more about Cam than it does the bums behind him. No one really believed that nonsense about Mac Jones, right?
  7. He made the critical error of lowering his head. It's a no-no in the game today. In fairness, both for the guy lowering his head and the recipient. You can just as easily fug yourself up doing that poo as you can someone else.
  8. I don't necessarily fault the gladiator zest that previous NFL fans had. This isn't some new thing in human history. In fact, look simply at the wide variety of combat sports that are popular worldwide. For better or for worse, that is part of human nature. We are a violent species and for decades part of the football appeal was watching a bunch of dudes beat the poo out of each other and then be "tough" by sucking it up. All that being said, the NFL had to react less because of actual care for player safety but because of current and future liability, especially when it was discovered that they had long sought to suppress evidence of the long term effects of traumatic brain injuries. I wish that it was actually real player safety they cared about but it's a big evil corporate entity that isn't unlike most big evil corporate entities, it ultimately only cares about it's bottom line. You are 100% correct about the need for this only increasing over time because although equipment improved moderately, the extreme size, speed and athleticism of the modern players rose across the board. All eras may have had extreme athletes that could rival players from today but the average player has never been as big, strong and fast as the modern era. All that leads to much more violent collisions and injuries. The longest battle to fight won't be in the NFL, however. It will be at least a couple of decades of coaches from the pee wee level up through college that will have to either retire or die before they give up the "old ways." Hell, we still even see some of these maniacs come into the NFL, typically before they are quickly ushered out under a spate of media scrutiny. It's going to take a long time to get the majority of players that are taught to tackle and hit safely and properly. You still see college and NFL players that can't adjust to years and years of programming about "the right way to play football."
  9. Yeah, even if not true I absolutely loved that conspiracy theory. If it isn't true, I'd even lean into it if I were Igo. The pure entertainment value is extreme. Is there an official Chuck log? If not, there should be. If his posts didn't all get nuke, you could just search for the string "who is chuck" and all the non-chuck names would immediate pop up.
  10. Some trolls deserve ignoring because they are just shitty at being a troll. A good troll can be a masterpiece that almost anyone can appreciate. A bad troll is just miserable to deal with.
  11. You clearly haven't been here long enough to see the multiple Zod/Igo threads about Chuck's fate. This is a semi-regular occurrence. You are definitely oversensitive, as you usually are.
  12. No one deserves that level of cruelty. The Tinderbox is basically the equivalent of Tadmur.
  13. I was all on board the "This is a huge mistake" bandwagon but being right didn't really feel good. It was more frustrating than satisfying. I mean, if I as a fan could see this wasn't a good idea, how the fug could my PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALL TEAM not see this? What the actual fug? Sadly, I feel like I am gonna see a few examples of this during this season. That's a feeling of dread, not chomping at the bit to yell about how I was right. fug that. I want to win.
  14. I have called him that multiple times. I guess you are just a little sensitive. You definitely must be if a troll as obvious as Chuck gets under your skin. Wait until you see some of the real trolls that show up for the regular season. You're gonna end up in the fetal position after every game day thread.
  15. I think you would be the only person not shocked by that(barring some disastrous spate of injuries).
  16. Yeah, it seems harsh but the example is probably worth it. It just required the sacrifice of a guy that was an extreme longshot to even make the practice squad. It sucks for Kirkwood and Ibe but it is what it is. This isn't the NFL of even 10-15 years ago. Player safety is a real thing.
  17. I am genuinely interested to know what your Chuck voice is.
  18. If Chuck gets under your skin that badly, this place isn't for you. This is probably version 12.0 or more of Chuck. He always comes back eventually. I'd say like herpes but @iamhubby1 is the Huddle's herpes. I guess Chuck is more like eczema.
  19. Extremely unlikely. Hard to put up numbers for OROY in a class stacked with starting QB's(for better or worse) and also being maybe the 4th option on the team. Maybe he ends up being such an effective redzone weapon(lots of TD's) that he comes closer than expected. I think Horn is going to struggle a lot more in year one that people want to admit. It's rare to have an instant impact CB that plays at a very high level. It's more common to see them starting hitting their stride in seasons 2-4. Plus, getting those accolades at CB usually means a shitload of INT's. It's hard to fight through the LB's and pass rushers, as they are much more likely to rack up gaudy stats.
  20. I don't take your schtick too seriously. I know a troll when I see one. At your worst you induce eye rolling in me. Mostly I just chuckle(no pun intended).
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