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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. The dinking and dunking aren't fine if there are better options available downfield.
  2. No, I was agreeing with the likely reason why people started to invent that narrative but correcting you that there were MANY posts critical of Gano and his supposed lack of leg strength.
  3. It's certainly possible if the percentage of his QB hurries that become sacks jumps up. If you look at those advanced stats, he's right on the door step of video game numbers.
  4. It's a fine line. For instance, Teddy always took the safest and quickest option instead of gambling. He was cautious to a fault and hampered the offense as a result. Darnold, by his nature, is a gunslinger. Hence why we saw so many awful and ill advised INT's in his career. He leans towards trying to make the big play like most gunslingers do. We just need to get him somewhere in the middle of that scale. "Taking what the defense gives you" while also having the nuts to make throws to score and try to make plays when they are needed.
  5. Literally just search this message board and you will see hundreds of posts saying he couldn't hit poo beyond 50+(or shorter). Probably because Rivera eventually seemed reluctant to use him in that capacity. I think that was just a Ron Rivera thing.
  6. Yeah, it would be different if they were out there crushing it in the preseason and there was some dramatic difference we were seeing. That hasn't been the case. When you have sucked for years, the onus is on you to prove you don't suck, not for everyone else to assume that you figured it out. Sort of like Greg Little. After just one season it was pretty obvious was the situation was but we still had people holding out hope all that "potential" was going to be realized. Gotta show up and prove that poo.
  7. If Phil Snow at his age won that competition.....WOW.
  8. I don't think any WR in the NFL is likely to command two 1st round picks. WR is a critical position but not many teams are going to trade more than a 1st. I can't actually recall a trade in recent memory where a WR was traded for a first round pick.
  9. That guy is not a Panthers fan. He is a Jets fan that came over with Darnold. He literally has only known anything about this team starting in around April of this year. Talking team history is not going to work.
  10. That's not actually a real thing. Hopkins didn't even technically get a 1st round pick in his trade nor did Antonio Brown when he was initially shipped to the Raiders. I said a 1st and a third but I am not sure that would even get something we could get.
  11. Agreed. Much ado about nothing. And his mush mouthed explanation of his source describing a nonsensical exchange between a player and Rhule was nothing. Similarly from the poster's description of him being a "dictator" isn't this literally how about half the coaches in the NFL are described? That isn't an isolated thing.
  12. Jesus fuging Christ....2 hours and 17 minutes??? Can we get a fuging Cliffs Notes or at least a timestamp for that blurb??
  13. Well, oddly we would either have a really good season or a really bad season to get that result.
  14. I predict hindsight will not be kind to the Elflein and Erving signings. If that does come to pass, the portion of us that were unhappy at the time of the signings are going to be REALLY fuging unhappy about those decisions. But, if they flop and Darnold and the defensive players pan out, it will just be a minor bitching point.
  15. Picks is the answer for this hypothetical. I don't think we could effectively trade him for players in positions we need the most. Any cheap talent that we can build through the draft would be a huge boost. Something like a 1st and 3rd would be ideal for his current value. If he blows up this year, it will be interesting.
  16. Remember when people bitched about Graham Gano not having enough leg, despite hitting a 63 yard GW FG for us? But we signed a guy we trot out there often to attempt such a feat and he never hit a single one.
  17. Most of those other players for at least an offseason actually practiced with the offense or defense as a camp body. You can't even say that for a LS I understand the need to find some value in the move, but if he doesn't end up as our future long snapper, it will still be an incredibly stupid pick. The "feel good" has already been forgotten by 95% of the people that saw it. We(Panthers fans) are probably the only people that actually remember it anymore.
  18. I will be curious to see if we even bother putting Fletcher on the practice squad. What value would he actually add to any practice? I do think we will try and stash some WR's that will get poached. We seem to be relatively deep there, so at least one WR needy team will probably give one a try, I predict.
  19. We aren't a Division III college. We are an NFL team. A second of viral fame amongst a group of people(NFL fans) that have already known our team exists, is the most useless thing imaginable in terms of return on a pick. It didn't sell a jersey, a hat, a ticket, nothing. If he gets cut(which seems likely), he will have contributed much less than most or all of the 6th round picks we have made, simply because his position does so very little, even in practice. There is nothing dramatically impactful about whiffing on a 6th round pick. It's largely expected. It's the overwhelming level of stupidity associated with that decision that is irksome.
  20. Yeah, hence the "so far." I think it will really depend on the OL and Darnold. If those guys flop, it will likely tank anything that the others can do. Like I said, though, we seem to be quick to learn and adjust so I am a lot more okay with these flops than a Hurney or Gettleman flop signing. We were saddled with those for years and sometimes for vast sums of money(Kalil). With these guys, it is almost a point for improvement rather than a franchise altering mistake.
  21. Underrated comment. The upside is that we see how quickly we are able to switch gears(look at the Teddy trade). The downside is that we keep making these terrible signings. I hope that our 2022 free agent offseason is a big upgrade because 2021 has been pretty bad so far.
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