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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. If he wants an elite contract, well.....bye. There is no reason for us to break the bank and possibly have to deconstruct the roster that has led to our success. This is going to be an incredibly nerve wracking offseason with a new GM and a LOT of important decisions to make. I believe in the overall idea we have though. Continue to bet on and invest in young players and prospects. We have had a lot more Jarvis's, Aho's, etc and a lot less KK's.
  2. That's going to account for about a baker's dozen nationwide. He isn't bringing Taylor Swift numbers nor, sadly, are those shows bringing many female viewers in general. Substantially less than regular games will. I am not pining for any sort of publicity that isn't from the field, good or bad. Tepper has definitely cured me of any of those notions.
  3. I think we are very far away from that, unfortunately. I also think our roster is far worse than most realize. It's largely unproven or underperforming young players or veteran journeymen. Our core is the smallest it has been in probably 15 or more years. The truth is, our talent pool has been shrinking rapidly since Ron left. This is the result of Gettleman's poor drafting in his latter years, Hurney's poor overall drafting and then the absolutely disasterous Rhule/Fitterer era. All the while, the deep talent pool we had was either retiring or leaving. I mean, what drafted talent do we have that would even start on a third of the NFL teams? Just basically Brown and Moton. Horn really doesn't count because, well....he is never healthy enough to start anyway. That's fuging terrible. If not the worst in the NFL, very close to it.
  4. @Stumpy Why do we not have a "Jarvis is my Co-Pilot" meme?
  5. That's assuming 2-3 years of HR draft after HR draft. That's not really a realistic goal for us, IMO. Possible but not realistic.
  6. We are probably at least 6-8 years away from being able to have a solid core again, probably more. It's going to take 5-6 better than average drafts and more good offseasons than not. Right now our core is almost non-existent. It's basically Derrick Brown and Moton. The latter of which will likely never see the new core unless he opts to play into his late 30's. I don't think our fans realize how long it is likely to be before we are able to rebuild a quality roster and do it for long term success.
  7. You know, I don't think I even want to see behind the scenes. Show me on the field. No amount of intrigue behind the scenes is going to matter to me. Not to mention, we aren't going to be interesting to a national audience. We have no star players that any casual fan would even know. If you asked most casual NFL fans, they probably couldn't name anyone but Bryce.
  8. Yeah and he isn't the first or the last mega talented guy to not have the mental makeup to be an elite player.
  9. Then why even mention him doing well in practice? What purpose did it serve? If you weren't alluding to that, what were you alluding to in relation to the Bryce/Darnold comment?
  10. Yeah, that's my point. That literally means nothing. His literal MO is melting down when it matters and the bullets are real. He has proven that at three different franchises so far. Do you really expect that to change suddenly?
  11. I mean, given where he was from and his age, I'd be a little shocked if JR wasn't at least somewhat racist. That said, he wasn't Marge Schott. It seems like a lot of the players had an affinity towards him so he clearly wasn't a monster. The creepy old man stuff? That is super believeable. He is from a time where that was more accepted and also a powerful and rich person. That isn't hard to believe at all. Now, I will always wonder why he ended up in the crosshairs of the NFL. Something seemed fishy about that, especially when guys like Snyder lasted so long.
  12. I mean.....you don't get into the HOF in the offseason. Darnold has zero NFL future as anything other than a backup QB or ultra low tier starter. He has conclusively proven that. It's not even a question.
  13. I will say once you have been in newer arenas and stadiums with their way better bathroom set-ups, it is such a massive improvement. It clears up a lot of insane lines just waiting around to piss. I have taken to not drinking at all at older stadiums just so I don't have to deal with planning when to take a piss and what part of the game I am gonna be forced to miss because of it. It's so nice to be in a new arena/stadium with way better bathroom accessibility that doesn't force you to literally miss the game. Not to mention I will actually spend money on booze there then.
  14. My buddy and I sold ours for the cost of the transfer fee. He listed them on Marketplace and found someone interested. He wanted them for his kids. I told my buddy to report him for child abuse.
  15. I would argue that he hasn't proven he can manage a game yet. He has been a less TO prone, less idiotic and substantially less talented Sam Darnold to date.
  16. I think he reads the social media comments like an idiot.
  17. I think point two is literally a lie. Snyder said the same but he returned because it "wasn't fun." Tepper is a far worse owner than Snyder to date, so I don't expect him to learn any more than Snyder did.
  18. I think they just keep convincing themselves they have a plan. The truth is, they are just blindly floundering. Maybe one day they will learn from all the fuging up. I haven't seen much evidence that Tepper is self aware enough to realize he is a massive reason this franchise is a mess. He seems to be convinced that it's others failing him.
  19. I officially gave up last year. All the BS was just so obvious that I couldn't ignore if anymore. We aren't going to be poo with this owner. He is an idiot. A very confident idiot, which is the worst kind.
  20. Yeah, the difference is now that I really don't care what happens at all. I am just an interested observer/glutton fof punishment. Then I will call up a couple of buddies and we can bitch and rant for about an hour sometime that week.
  21. Oh, I am gonna still watch. NFL Sunday is a tradition I plan to keep.
  22. I completely checked out on college football. Once the money grabs for TV deals killed the Pac 12 and gutted the Big 12, I was done. I really watch very little college football aside from checking out potential prospects pre-draft.
  23. It's definitely the least. I have come out of the fog of expecting Tepper to learn and real change to happen. I am settled into expecting us to fumble and bumble our way through the next decade or so.
  24. That line was exceptional. We do have recency bias about that. We have had better offensive linemen than we probably think. Not consistently enough.
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