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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. I think you are very wrong about this. He will most likely take a vet minimum deal because he gets $39 mil in salary no matter what. A smart team will leverage that and use it to their advantage. If the 49ers didn't have their heads firmly up their asses about Brock Purdy, they should be all over Wilson for 2024.
  2. I highly doubt Peyton will end up with a better QB than Wilson in the next few years. I am going to enjoy watching him flounder without a top tier QB like he did in NO before bolting. The best part is that in dumping Wilson, he has basically assured that they cannot find another elite QB in the next two seasons in free agency because of that dead cap hit. Make no mistake....they are royally fuged.
  3. It's not that difficult. If he gets a sizeable signing bonus, remember that all gets paid out immediately upon signing. The cap tricks spread it out over X years but the money was long since actually spent.
  4. I have no problem extending him, converting a big chunk to a signing bonus(lowering his cap hit) and having more money to either roll over to 2025 or spend on Luvu and Brown.
  5. I couldn't possibly thank him more for what he did to Denver. I will forever be grateful that he aided in that mess getting worse and worse. Hopefully Payton flounders for the next 2-3 seasons trying to get a QB and failing even more. I wish them unending suffering as a fanbase.
  6. It actually does to me. I have no issue giving him an extension. It allows us to rebuild the rest of the OL and not worry about finding a guy at RT, as well.
  7. I think the actual interest in Fields is going to be very low until after free agency and maybe the draft. That is when you will see teams that didn't position themselves as well as they had hoped start to get desperate.
  8. What are the odds we unload KK? Would like to get that salary off the books.
  9. Moton has been healthy and effective his entire career. Good OT's can last well into their 30's. There shouldn't be any discussion about getting rid of Moton unless he wants prime LT pay.
  10. We don't have a team built to be any more successful than Denver was. At best he's a one year rental and what exactly does that even accomplish? Sure, he'd immediately be the best QB since Cam but with the "talent" we have assembled, what does that lead to? 6 wins? 7? For what? No more quick fixes. This ship is listing over and has more holes in the hull than a wheel of swiss cheese. Just let this sink, accumulate draft capital over the next few seasons and finally do what we should have in 2018.....go through a complete rebuild.
  11. If Bryce shits the bed again, we will be top 5 again. I expect that we will be in the top 10 of the draft for the forseeable future. Which, we actually need.
  12. Love it. fug the Broncos forever.
  13. Well Moton is a guy we should legitimately plan on keeping around. I am okay adding years.
  14. Yeah but that is also the difference between real money and "make believe money."
  15. Let me take a look at that. Nope, looks like he has a pretty decent sized salary. https://overthecap.com/panthers-to-move-on-from-cb-donte-jackson
  16. The roster bonus isn't a trade secret. It wasn't like thia was going to be hard to figure out. Not to mention that is not a very tradeable contract
  17. 6-10 years to have a decent chunk of your two deep be contributing from the draft. Right now we are close to having none. That takes a LOT of time to remedy
  18. We do need someone more dynamic in that aspect. But there are a lot of options in FA and the draft. Not a major need.
  19. I am guessing if things go about average(and historically we are far, far, far below average) in the upcoming drafts, it would take 6-10 years of solid drafting(not great just solid) to really mold the current situation in a proper rebuild. We have next to no foundation. That takes a substantial amount of time to build properly if you want it through the draft.
  20. No offense but I just don't see much NFL ability in Shipley, personally. I have him as a 7th-UDFA guy. I am sure he will get drafted but I just don't like him as an NFL guy.
  21. RB's will be heavily devalued in thia draft because of the glut of excellent FA options. We can probably get Day Two players late in Day Three because of that. I don't consider RB much of a need but I am all-in on BPA. If the best guy there is a RB, pull the trigger.
  22. 100%. I am not saying he might not pan out but he has a lot of very classic red flags for a WR in recent drafts. I get it, the idea of a guy just plucking passes over the top of helpless DB's is great but this isn't college football. Almost all these guys are fast as fug, skilled as fug and can jump high as fug. Steve Smith didn't need to be that size to body people and jump over then. That is TRULY about the Dawg in you. I am not convinced I saw anything like that in Coleman.
  23. Cousins or Wilson, depending on the cost for either. Fields is actually a bad gamble. You have to decide on his 5th year deal almost immediately, so it could end up being a more expensive bust than you had planned on if you do that and he plays the way he has in his first three years. Cousins or Wilson offer an option to immediately be the best team in the NFC South.
  24. We don't have that luxury. As it currently stands, it's unlikely you will see any current WR on our roster still in a Panthers uniform in a couple of seasons. You go into this draft assuming none of these guys are part of our future. That goes well beyond WR. Almost every position on this team is the same.
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