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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. I am consistently amazed at how bad Rhule is at this.
  2. Rhule after the interview with Tepper/Hurney.
  3. Fox was 1.0, Rivera was Fox 2.0, Rhule is not cut from the same cloth. Smith is really, really close to Fox/Rivera. Rhule is Bobby Petrino 2.0.
  4. Yes. We were piping cheers through the speakers to make them feel at home
  5. Sam is the best tank commander and a surefire way to get Rhule canned. I'm in.
  6. That is largely him switching positions, TBH.
  7. There isn't a team in college that could stay within 4 TD's of us.
  8. I assume Army has a good ground game and Navy has a good water game?
  9. If I am the Jags, he's probably done by kickoff Sunday. But I also said he would be the worst coach in the NFL in 2021 and he has. The guy literally kept leaving jobs in college for "being too stressed out" or some other horseshit. TBH....he was probably partying his ass off because that is kind of what it looks like now
  10. The amount of dumb fugs in here trashing him still blows my mind. I don't think Rhule is the worst judge of a successful QB. We have more than a few in here that are far worse.
  11. It's very easy to get. Rhule has one of the least impressive resumes for any college to pro coaches in recent memory. At least Ron had success at the NFL level. So when you see Rhule struggling, you know there is zero hope. You just have to look at the long history of failed college to professional coaches. To make it worse, he is having one of the worst starts to a career of any college to pro coach in the last 20 years. So, to me the question becomes, where is there any hope of him digging out of this? Especially when he demanded complete control to even take the job. Well, that is a double edged sword because he doesn't have Hurney to blame. The buck stops with Rhule so he also gets the heat for the terrible personnel decisions too.
  12. I would love to have Fitzmagic at this point, sadly.
  13. Well all classes are ultimately judged by hindsight. We are all also operating(or should be) under the assumption that the discussion of this class is a projection based on our own or others evaluations of it. It's a prediction, like all projections are. I am not writing them off but stating that I don't see many high caliber NFL prospects. With that being the case, I don't think I would take any of these guys before the bottom third of the 1st round and ideally 2nd round or lower. That's why I keep repeatedly saying I wouldn't touch one of these guys with our first round pick. It's a big reach, IMO. We are likely to be picking in range of the 1st that you just cannot afford to gamble or miss.
  14. Hartman and Pickett are both very good college QB's. In fact, the ACC was loaded with very good college QB's. Unfortunately not many of them are looking like very good NFL prospects. Maybe the Miami kid might be eventually.
  15. Trubisky was a one year wonder, Burrow was a one year wonder, etc. Technically Cam was a one year wonder. Pickett is the best the bunch to me. I still say he's probably a borderline 1st rounder. Just not a good class at all.
  16. I think the point is more this is how ill suited our staff is to having competent people on the team. Which, we are technically judging without any games played under him.
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