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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. Honestly, I wouldn't be worried about it if I were Tampa. Low guaranteed money, fairly short term and low overall price. That is about what I would think the 49ers will try to offer Purdy.
  2. And the opportunity to stuff them on a PK....that would complete the set.
  3. I mean....we are just fuging rolling right through them.
  4. This is in the discussion for best period of the season. Wow.
  5. Eh....we will see. I definitely hope you are right. Just playing the "wait and see" game.
  6. He needs to adjust otherwise he is going to be giving some nasty SH opportunities up.
  7. Didn’t see anything accurate about those two.
  8. Lol. It was not a penalty at all. Even a little. Nice to get one of those go our way for once.
  9. Or the new coach evaluating and basically saying, "Hey, I can't use this guy."
  10. Exactly. Start building a roster. It's been several years since we even attempted it.
  11. It depends on how it all falls into place. I would rather we go BPA than have to draft purely on need.
  12. One hopes it is a shared vision with the new coach.
  13. I am very worried about a reach in the draft.
  14. Jones is a backup tier player and likely more of a 3rd string QB than even a 2nd. That really isn't worth a 6th rounder when we have many needs. It's extremely easy and relatively cheap to find someone of Jones caliber in the FA pool every offseason.
  15. I wish I could share that optimism but unfortunately I cannot. It's in Tepper's nature to be controlling, which has been said about his business successes(and failures). Also, at his age, I don't expect him to be able to learn a different way of operating. Let's hope you are right but I suspect it will remain Tepper micromanaging until he is no longer the owner of this franchise.
  16. I get the scheme fit but you create a hole that has to be filled, you don't save cap space and possibly you end up creating a "reach" need in the draft. It just seems like a very Panthers way to handle it.
  17. I would disagree. You want a high caliber backup to step in and not steer the ship into the rocks. At best spell you for 4-6 games. You aren't gonna get a guy to step in and win 7+ games in a year because that guy isn't really a backup at all. Also, when you are already in the rocks, it's hard to not keep hitting them. That's largely been his last two spots.
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