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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. Like I said, it's a fantasy. It will very, very likely never happen.
  2. If that first scenario happens, I will have to be convinced I am not in a simulation.
  3. That was the rumor. If so, it should be at least a mild improvement.
  4. People like that idea but it has never been real. It's just a fantasy.
  5. I just can't justify taking a C that high. I like him as a prospect but a whiff there is really bad. That is only only bad thing about C, you can't play center well, you aren't an NFL player. A LT miss might be able to play RT or OG and still succeed. But, if all else fails.....I wouldn't be mad at the pick. Just upset we couldn't trade down to make it happen.
  6. And that is the core of the problem. Hence why I just want them to go LT at 6. You have three shots at getting a stellar prospect there, just take a stab at one and not over think it.
  7. The issue is that you have our staff and FO evaluating OL. Have you seen any indication whatsoever they know how to do that? I haven't.
  8. Hence why I said that CMC will never garner a 1st. Only teams like us view RB's as being very valuable. They aren't.
  9. No. The reports were "listening to offers." That is completely not the same thing at all.
  10. See, that is the real mayhem part of all of this....both sides can nix any deal. Houston can choose to not accept an offer from where Watson wants to go and Watson can veto a great deal Houston arranged. Watson can choose to make them eat his salary but the Texans can come after his money if he holds out and won't play.
  11. People who don't worry about Cleveland also don't see we are their franchise about 15 years in their past.
  12. Cleveland is in a win now kind of mode.
  13. Three is too. Especially since our three are likely to all be top 5-10 picks. Again, I am not anti-Deshaun Watson, I am anti the SPECULATED price he may cost.
  14. Lol. No he didn't but believe what you want. We will see. Whether he ends up here or not, the final price will be interesting. How about this scenario, New Orleans and us get in a bidding war and Tepper gives up 4 1st rounders and some change because he doesn't want his guy to get away. Is that too much?
  15. Yeah, I mean I think Watson is better too but I am more so playing the devils advocate of why it might not be a great idea to expend all these resources on a guy that really still isn't a completely proven commodity. Hence the core of my counter argument about the price. Stafford and Wilson were PROVEN commodities. Time tested. Watson just isn't. I won't argue against the talent level, that is obvious.
  16. Well, if you look at Cousins at Washington, he had more Game Winning Drives in his first three full years as a starter than Watson had his last three seasons(removing partial years for both QB's). Remember Redskins Cousins hadn't developed his "choker" reputation yet.
  17. Which....not 100% sure Watson isn't that guy too. He had two good seasons(winning wise) but his worst season winning wise was his best statistically. Keep in mind, in Kirk's first 4 full seasons were statically more impressive than Watson and had a .500ish record with a dumpster fire franchise. That was what netted him that massive deal. Some thought it was being a Redskin that was holding him back. I personally think Watson is better but let's be perfectly clear, he also might end up proving to be no more of a winner than Cousins has.
  18. Statistically that isn't unfair, though. I see all the people throwing his stats out there but Cousins is the classic counter argument to those guys.
  19. I don't think that is the reason at all. That is why there aren't many suitors for him(well, that and the obvious other problems). Notice that only desperate teams are really in the running for him. To me, if he does garner that windfall, it won't be his skills or accomplishments nor certainly his age, it will be the sheer desperation of the teams involved. But....we also don't see the final price yet. So maybe we can have this discussion when his deal gets announced.
  20. And Brees was also coming off of an injury so severe that the majority of the NFl were unsure he would ever play again, so that isn't really even the same scenario. It's unprecedented but the price is steep. I believe the prices for Stafford and Wilson should be the benchmarks though. I don't see logic behind paying drastically more.
  21. Well take that 8-10. Three of those 8-10 years you are stripped of the ability to add cheap and quality talent in the draft. So that puts you behind the 8 ball immediately. And that isn't even taking into account the fact that we might give up core talent, of which there are only 3-6 players on the entire roster that can be considered that. So stripping us of talent hurts even more. We aren't like the Saints and loaded with talent all over the field to the point we can recover. Stripping talent away and without draft picks means we just aren't a talented team and perhaps for a long time. Listen, if this was 2017 or 2018, I'd be all over this deal but it isn't. We are a bottom five talented team in the NFL so giving up a bunch of draft picks or talent makes our march to the top incredibly difficult for a while.
  22. IF what is being reported is accurate, I believe this would be the largest sum ever traded for a player in the NFL. That's the question. Is he worth that? Given what Stafford and Wilson went for....I don't think so.
  23. Lol. You don't think Warson had talent around him? Might want to check those players he was throwing to. Stafford and Wilson have had talent to throw to as well, so Watson doesn't get an advantage there. I am not even saying he isn't an elite QB, I'm saying this rumored price is off. He isn't worth that.
  24. He is definitely not better than either of those two QB's IMO. Could he be? Yes. Is he now? Absolutely, unquestionably not.
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