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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. I generally disagree. I can see a definite argument for him being a bust as a LT but it's hard for me to envision Ekwonu or Penning(barring injury) being true busts. The way they play the game, the athletic ability and their intelligence(both smart guys), makes me think they will be successful SOMEWHERE on the OL. I don't see all the same things in Neal or Cross. But, I mean, give me any of the 4.
  2. I think that is the thing about saying "bust." Do we mean Greg Little bust or a guy who busts at the position? Guys like Neal, Ekwonu or Penning might be Pro Bowl caliber players at RT or OG. Is that a true bust or maybe just a guy that wasn't great positional value?
  3. I kind of think he could kick inside to guard and play really well though.
  4. Guys like Zion and Salyer are way it hurts to badly to not have 2nd or 3rd round draft picks. Once again there are long term start potential IOL available in the 2nd and 3rd round.
  5. That was gonna be my comment. If you mean AT LT, Neal or Ekwonu. But I also think those guys could be Pro Bowl caliber OG's or RT's. The biggest chance of being an overall bust, probably Cross.
  6. With Fields and Slater on the board, the Horn pick was fuging mystifying.
  7. Eh....I mean....did it? I would call it a mixed bag, at best.
  8. Okay, so this is just a bunch of general nonsense. Not really much of a story.
  9. That is what had to happen with our last shitty CLT pro sports owner.
  10. Yeah, outside the blow up this past year at Sam on the sidelines, I think Sideshow Rob made a business decision with that contract. I don't blame him for taking that deal, bad situation or not. He can make his family secure and comfortable for the rest of their lives and still have plenty of career to play in better spots. The interesting thing will be to see if Rob sticks around(or we keep him) if we continue to flounder at QB.
  11. Zappe in the 4th is actually quite high. He has Chad Pennington arm issues.
  12. I am not sure I would lean towards who the team wants most. Frankly, their prospect evaluation ability is questionable.
  13. It was just annoying so I stopped reading his poo. Love him as a player and all time Panther great but that font thing was the dumbest thing he has ever done as a Panther by a wide margin. I know you were attempting to attack the racial trolls but I am not that. The font was so ridiculous. Also, I don't care who you are, that Robby Twit was hard to decipher.
  14. I think that is eye of the beholder. I do think the fact that Penning tested well athletically helped his stock a lot. Perhaps they are more even on some boards than others. Outside Becton, two of those three worked out pretty well. If that is the example, all the more reason to stay with a LT. If we are a downhill, run the ball down your throat team(which Rhule supposedly wants), Penning or Ekwonu make the most sense. Neal is a freak but he isn't nasty like those guys. Obviously Cross isn't that mauler.
  15. I mainly didn't because I didn't want to have to decipher it. It's like the idiots who write in all caps. Your brain processes mixed case words faster than all caps. Same with serif fonts versus sans serif fonts. So that garbage font he was using wasn't cool, it was fuging annoying. That's the math most people trying to be too cool for their own good don't do. Does my cool thing communicate clearly or does it generally just annoy or confuse the bulk of people? The difference in his crazy attire is that I could still understand his words he spoke, regardless of what goofy outfit he was wearing. So that never bothered me at all. But when you use platform designed for non-verbal communication and you have fuging hieroglyphics, that is gonna lose me. It's DUMB.
  16. Nah. Cam's font was super fuging annoying to read. That is why it sucked. Robby's one Twit is super fuging annoying because it's a crazy run on sentence and it's super fuging hard to read. That's the problem. I shouldn't need a decoder ring to read something. For Cam....like....stop using Wingdings. For Robby....dude, just 1-2 periods or maybe a comma or two. Please.
  17. He got medicals at the combine so I am pretty sure if anyone(or most teams) have issues with his knee that he will drop like a rock in the draft.
  18. I am not sure where you are getting your info from but it definitely doesn't seem to match up with many of the anonymous quotes from scouts that are being reported. I don't disagree that there will definitely be differences in various teams boards but I don't think you are gonna have many(if any) teams with Penning over Neal or Ekwonu. And I like Penning but he is definitely a lesser version of a guy like Ekwonu specifically. Not that I would be upset if we took Penning but I probably would if it's over Neal and Ekwonu. I wouldn't necessarily love it if it were over Cross, either. I can see the argument for Cross over Penning and vice versa. I just like Cross as a much more polished pass protector versus the much less polished mauler that Penning is.
  19. Penning?? I think you are going to see that definitely isn't true. Cross perhaps but not Penning.
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