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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. If you can't see it, I can't make you. Just follow the money.
  2. I am honestly banking on the fact that we will suck at DE/EDGE for a little while. But, we should have a lot of top 10 draft picks in the next 3-5 seasons to remedy that issue so I am not too worried about it.
  3. That's exactly what I mean, I know very few under 30's that pay for cable or the streaming equivalent. They piecemeal or share regular streaming services but not many are willing to pull the trigger on expensive options just to watch sports. They steal or avoid them. As I said, the foundation is older Millenials to Boomers. As they age or die out, they will not be replaced. ESPN is majorly fuged.
  4. ESPN is living on borrowed time as an industry titan. They had a window about a decade ago to adapt to the changing landscape of the viewership and they did not. It isn’t us that will decide our fate(those that grew up with them as a staple) it's the next generation that doesn't pay for cable and doesn’t pay for expensive streaming packages that include ESPN. And that is why they will fail.
  5. College football is built on a foundation made of sand.
  6. I have been predicting this eventual collapse for a while now. It's just logical.
  7. We will still walk them down. Mark my words.
  8. That would be a great pick. Instant impact guy.
  9. I think Rod believes in a guy figuring it out on the ice, not benching and possibly shaking his confidence. Or it seems so anyway. I think Svech just needs an offseason to work on himself. He will be fine next year, I think.
  10. They also sort of figured out the truth, you either figure it out or you don't. Especially in the modern NFL specifically catering to passing offenses.
  11. Have we ever developed a QB??? Jake maybe?
  12. Yeah, I don't think people realize that is likely to be the high water mark for a RB trade for the next few years, if not significantly longer.
  13. Yeah, people always say this and it is just head in the sand nonsense. If you can't see it, I can't make you.
  14. You are aware that if the 49ers put him on the block tomorrow and wanted a 1st they would likely have very few if any offers, right? I think the thing missing from people's minds is what just happened this offseason. Almost every team in the NFL let their elite RB walk. That's not an accident. I don't know how much more the NFL needs to telegraph the current value of RB's....
  15. That's what I am saying. We can't sit him but he isn't going to get it back on the ice.
  16. TBH. He probably needs to just sit the rest of the season. Not advocating that to happen but I don't think we are gonna get him back this season. He needs an offseason to work and regain his confidence.
  17. fuging awful job by our skaters. Kochetkov did everything he could.
  18. I am tired of this poo. Turning this crap off.
  19. It is definitely not his fuging fault.
  20. I want to put fuging 6 goals on them in the 3rd. fug these fuging dumb *****.
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