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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. You know the Heisman is a really poor predictor of NFL success, right? https://www.footballoutsiders.com/stat-analysis/2014/nfl-draft-round-round-quarterback-data
  2. It's sort of hard to predict a lot of what this staff does. Pecking order seems to be a lot harder to discern that any previous coaching staff we have had.
  3. No one day of practice is going to make me a believer or non-believer in Corral or Mayfield. We will see what happens over the course of camp and the preseason. Then we will see what happens over the course of the actual season. If things go our way, the question might be answered by Game 17. That would be ideal.
  4. I'm not on anyone's band wagon until they load up the band and start playing. IDC if it's Corral or Mayfield. Whoever wins us games and plays well. I am not including PJ or Darnold because I don't believe in unicorns or Santa Claus or whatever other fantasy you want to choose. Because both of those guys and REAL NFL success....that's a fantasy.
  5. Depends on if he is given a fair shake. Most of the fans here would like to see a 50/50 split in reps with Corral and Mayfield but that isn't happening. Hard to really flash when you just don't get the reps.
  6. Huddlers can still practice bickering, spraying hot takes and overreacting in here until the pads come on Monday.
  7. There just isn't anything in his football career that indicates that scenario being likely. He just is what he is.
  8. I think I broke just about every finger at least once(aside from my thumbs) playing basketball.
  9. Still one of the most cold blooded things I have ever seen.
  10. I have been through enough Panthers training camps that I don't count any training camp eggs until they are regular season chickens. Been fooled too many times before. I'm all for anyone looking good in TC, that's great news. But you won't catch me calling shots after practices. Glad to see Henderson looking good, now time to wait and see if it translates to real NFL success.
  11. Good. We have a ton of draft picks and money tied up in that unit. Need them to be a strength.
  12. Yes. That is exactly what I am saying. It's practice. It means something to the players and coaches but it's fuging meaningless to the fans until it happens on a game day.
  13. Anyone could get a drone and film the entire thing in HD. Nothing they could do about it. The lock down is fuging stupid.
  14. It is if you don't show it when the lights are on. They don't hang banners for Training Camp MVP nor Preseason Champions. It's great to see the TC work but until they show it on a real game day, it doesn't matter much.
  15. Being a camp champ is meaningless. People will get behind Henderson when they see him produce and play well in games that matter.
  16. Saw the title of the thread and knew this wasn't going to disappoint.
  17. It's a travesty he is being allowed to work with the 3's. He needs to be with the 4's and assisting with the janitorial duties.
  18. I didn't know Crocs were real footwear. I just thought it was something smelly hippies purchased tripping on mushrooms.
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