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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. We need guys to play due to the roster we have. It's not good, that is for sure. I don't like project guys in the top 3 rounds. Never have and never will. I am not assuming, I just don't believe he is a guy that ia going to be ready to contribute outside of maybe special teams. That's not a third round value, IMO. As I said earlier, high ceiling, incredibly low floor.
  2. Day one rotational players were available at 72. Instead we took a guy that likely needs a lot of work to see the field. Not a gamble I personally would have taken.
  3. Developmental meaning he has a lot of work to see the field and make any impact. There are ample players every draft that don't need much in terms of development, they just need experience.
  4. He just seems like another developmental guy drafted too high. Luxury type pick when we had a real need.
  5. The "5th year option" thing was so fuging dumb. It's the equivalent of calling your HR prior to a pitch being thrown. Just arrogant and dumb. It's going to look REALLY bad if he doesn't pan out because then you are going to be declining that option after making such a dumb move. I had no issue with the TE in the 4th. Once you get to the 4th I give a little more leeway to gamble and he fills a role that we haven't had in a very long time. TBD if he gets utilized but I liked that pick more than any other. I think Brooks will be fine but you don't take a fuging RB in the fuging 2nd round. That's MORONIC. You can get a starting RB in the 3rd-5th rounds.
  6. I honestly think it might be two more seasons. To me, Tepper is convinced that he is the guy and he is going to be stubborn about it. I know that sounds strange given how quickly he sours on coaches but consider that he almost always sticks with a GM at least a year longer than he should. Even after it is EXTREMELY obvious they need to be replaced. That's what I predict will happen with Young. He will get almost all of 2025, as well.
  7. Yeah, I had it a C but I could easily be convinced of a D. Just seemed like another "we are smarter than everyone!" draft again. Typical Tepper Panthers. Trying to reinvent a wheel that was rolling along just fine.
  8. Pretty much the same. I thought we passed on guys that will be much more productive in the NFL for more high ceiling/extremely low floor players. I just can't understand what we are doing given the roster issues we have. It feels like a Seattle draft for sure.
  9. I gave it a C because I really only maybe two of these guys making a second contract here(Brooks and Sanders). Seemed very similar to recent previous drafts to my eyes.
  10. Opnions are always valid because they are.....opinions. Right, wrong, indifferent....they are opinions. This is a poll to see what the fanbase thought of this draft. That's what this is for. Your "opinion" seems to be very emtionally that you don't have an opinion. Strange hill to die on but I guess that's your opinion on the matter.
  11. Literally almost no one from SC has ever cared about the Panthers. I have lived/ worked/traveled all over that state over the years. It is much more common to find people rooting against the Panthers than for them. I remember being in a Rock Hill bar for the first game of the 2016 season and everyone cheering against the Panthers. SC literally has next to no ties to the Panthers.
  12. Well typically you judge a draft by how good you thought it was. At least most people do.
  13. It technically takes years to deteremine how good a player typically is. Not asking that question. Asking what people thought of the draft.
  14. What is your personal grade of this draft?
  15. We will see. This draft has been almost entirely 2018-2023 Edition to a tee. It would be better for you to be right but I am just not seeing it. Seems all so familiar.
  16. I can appreciate that. I'm not convinced that is what we are seeing, however.
  17. The lady is the Panthers fans, the dog is David Tepper.
  18. Well, we all need to keep in mind that Morgan was part of the same FO that made all the blunders that have been discussed ad nauseam in this forum for months. It was a convenient and understandable thought process to think, "Oh it was all Fitterer! It was him that is at fault!" But this was the same thought process most of us had for Fitterer when Matt Rhule was here. The truth is, anyone who had a hand in decisions during the absolute shitshow of the past few seasons shouldn't be making decisioms for us now. But we know Morgan(who we all love as a player and that will never change) was involved. How much is a mystery but boy all this seems to depressingly familiar. And we all also know David Tepper still has his hands in this at some level. So right out of the gate, you have good evidence of why this might be looking as familiar as it does.
  19. Risks are fine but taking risks all the time will bite you. I think this all suits the Tepper mentality though. It's how he built his fortune. So when these guys act like they are smarter than the rest of the league, he gravitates towards that thinking.
  20. Show me recent situations where we thought we were smarter than the rest of the league and it worked out. I can show you dozens of examples of that not being the case. I am not going to applaud hubris. Especially when it has nothing to back it up.
  21. The issue is we aren't Seattle, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, etc. We don't have a track record of development and we don't really have the luxury of developing players. We need guys to play and contribute. But we aren't taking guys that can play and contribute. We are taking more TMJ's and DJ Johnson's. Players that need a ton of work. Or just reaching on lower value positions like RB. New day, same Panthers. I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
  22. I mean, if you put all these moves side by side, included the trade info, the RAS scores and the positions, I couldn't tell you which moves are his and which aren't. I hope I am wrong but this feels like another case of, "Boy none of these guys are still on the team from that 2024 draft" in about 3 seasons. I am just starting to accept that this is what happens when the franchise is so dysfunctional. That's why all those Bengals, Lions and Browns drafts all got panned at the time and even more so afterwards. It's just endemic to the situation. Bad franchises do this to themselves.
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