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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. I think based on results McAdoo's offense is painfully predictable. Even mediocre defenses are shutting us down.
  2. I am just saying you have mentioned before you like him as a utility backup. I don't. He's terrible wherever he plays. We fundamentally disagree on that.
  3. Yep. Same dude hired both guys. Not buying it, Matt. You get 100% of the blame from now on.
  4. Yeah, no. I know you like Erving for some reason but that dude is one of the worst OL we have seen in the last decade.
  5. Probably because he is banged up. Erving is a disaster. There is no comparison.
  6. I can get WWE to an extent(don't watch). I don't get the current "yell at each other in a hyperbolic manner over things we don't actually care about." If I want a smarter and more logical version of that poo flinging, I can just log on to any message board or social media site for whatever sport I want. Me personally, I want to hear one or more logical people discuss the issue in depth. I want to see breakdowns that layman aren't going to grasp typically. I want actual inside info into how these situations happen. I don't need a bunch of hollering, IRL trolling and hot takes. Life is too much of that reality TV nonsense already.
  7. Got two minutes in and turned it off. How do people watch this garbage? Or why?
  8. You could put one of the TopCats out there and accomplish the same as Erving.
  9. Boy the people calling for Erving sure do have short memories. Please go put on some 2021 tape and then tell me if you feel the same way.
  10. I have been saying I was worried about how much damage this idiot is doing to the culture for a very young team. If we aren't careful, we are going to have to start almost completely from scratch. poo like this is the reason guys like Robby love this guy. There is zero accountability. You just show up and get paid, regardless of performance. Especially if you are a Rhule guy.
  11. I think a lot of us were already there. For the people late to the party, notice how not happy this feels. So for all the backlash against "negativity" we just got to where we all ended up first. Rather that bickering amongst ourselves, save all the angst and vitriol for the ownership and coaching staff. That's where it has always belonged.
  12. I have been around a few people that are delusional enough to buy their own narratives about how amazing they are that they are completely blind to how badly they are fuging up. Furthermore, the US recently had an era marked by that. It depends on how delusional he is.
  13. As someone who has misidentified protégé material before, I do understand that.
  14. TBH, I don't at all. He played us versus the Giants to get the best deal for himself. Not that I blame him for that but he also supposedly talked about how he could just go back to college last year. If either of those are true.....fug him. He dug this hole for himself.
  15. Same ones who blame it on Baker, same ones that thought McAdoo was a genius, same ones that still think Darnold needs a shot.....basically the village idiots.
  16. I think most would stick around unless Rhule immediately gets a college job. Then I would expect his standard cronies to be right behind him.
  17. We will have to see if his pride or anger wins out. I think he risks looking like an even bigger fool the longer this goes on. I expect Rhule's press conferences decline to the point where Tepper has to do something.
  18. If Tepper canned Rivera before the end of the year, there is little chance Rhule makes it, IMO.
  19. I am not sure how you don't show McAdoo the door when Rhule goes.
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