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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. I want to shell this fug until they pull him. Sweep the leg.
  2. I wouldn't have predicted we would be so insanely dogshit on the PP and PK either, so there is that.
  3. IDK, I am fine with with swallowing the whistles. We are better in 5 on 5.
  4. Dominating this period but need to light the lamp.
  5. Wish Noesen could have gotten a stick on that. Different game immediately
  6. I am planning on rage quitting if we get down. That has worked well.
  7. Let's do this, boys. Ain't got no other choice but to.
  8. It's possible you see a turnaround in SD. The Raiders have a ceiling with Minshew and I would honestly be shocked if the Broncos are anything but a disaster.
  9. Indeed. You always have to take those "easiest" and "hardest" tags with a significant grain of salt in the preseason. 17 games will tell the story of who is actually an easy or difficult opponent
  10. Even before the schedule, I think top 5 seemed like a very good bet.
  11. This is why I am out on college sports. They are illogical and shitty.
  12. Don't blame that on the NIL. That was conference TV money greed. None of that NIL money is from the schools.
  13. As long as they don't win the Cup, I am okay with it
  14. Good. They get enough "Original Six" calls.
  15. fug the fuging Bruins. Suck it, you MFers.
  16. I am not sure I would necessarily say that because they haven't wilted when we put them in tough spots yet. That doesn't seem to be their MO, unfortunately. I don't expect them to lay down. We are gonna have to take it.
  17. I have no desire to nuke this whole roster. I said I was nervous about the attrition from the first round and I do believe that was a key factor in not being able to get past the Rangers. I also think we are seeing some of what the Leafs fans said about Freddie, that he wilts a little when the lighta get bigger. To that note, I want to see a 50/50 split with Koochie next year. I think that is our dude long term, if we develop him correctly. We have been through doom and gloom almost every offseason but somehow it works out in the end. I think it will this offseason too. We just have to find a little bit better mix for next season and the playoffs. Simple as that.
  18. I don't believe. I think the attrition just got to us in the end. But, anything is possible. If we pull this one off, it's all downhill from here.
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