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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. Definitely not them. I would think that I just basically become a casual NFL fan.
  2. Yeah, we are a much worse franchise than most realize. It's largely because we were very rarely bad but most often mediocre. That allowed us to have a fairly good overall winning percentage as a franchise for most of our history. But....then Cam's arm was shot and it's been a descent into old school Browns/Bengals/Bucs territory. Sadly, there is no real indication of any future ability to pull out of this nosedive. If ya'll think it's bad now, wait until you see a few more of this type of poo. We haven't hit rock bottom yet.
  3. 100%. fug Florida. Glad they ousted the Rags but I have no love for them either.
  4. Yep. Another year, another batch of "upside" gambles. Panthers gonna Panther.
  5. I was nervous about this transition but the Chatty signing and deal put me more at ease.
  6. Is this the start of a full Bobrovsky meltdown?
  7. The Pats are a little different because they technically represent a very broad geographical area that is densely populated and mostly within relatively easy driving distance to the stadium. They were also(as you describe) not much of a draw for the majority of their history. Winning does that for you.
  8. I am not a proponent of them leaving but in that scenario, it might be worthwhile.
  9. The NFL doesn't care about suitability if you haven't noticed. They care about including as many of the wealthiest people on the planet as they can collect as owners. It helps protect the product in the long term.
  10. 100%. It wouldn't matter if Sam Darnold had the three most talented coaches in NFL history, it wouldn't change his ability to read the field.
  11. It's just more excuses for a talented guy that has a ten cent football IQ. I will never understand why people do this but what do you do?
  12. I was in until "Used to getting hit." I mean....you don't want to be getting hit that much as a QB. His father was an all time great fighter. Especially athletically. Very fun to watch.
  13. We will see how he recovers. It could be the single event that opens the floodgates or it could just be a blip on the radar.
  14. I will dislike losing Necas but if we can unload KK too, that would be worthwhile. It gives us a ton of flexibility moving forward.
  15. If we gave Bryce an extension after 2 years of a 5 year deal, you can just shut the doors to the facility and move the team wherever you want. I mean, I would say that about just about any rookie we have. That's just plum retarded.
  16. Yeah, I don't give two flying fugs about Cam dressing like a Harry Potter character or Sam Darnold supposedly being nice. One of these players is the best QB in franchise history and the other was arguably the worst. Hence why I say the logic test and the football statement. If people want to root for the guy with the better social media or the one that gives the best interviews on some dumb show on ESPN, that's cool. Just understand that you aren't actually a football fan. Football fans care about football above almost everything else. The stuff that happens outside the lines, I couldn't really care less about. This is essentially just the Taylor Swift fans watching KC. Zero of them cared about football. Same with anyone who got all butthurt about Cam's goofy dressing or his goofy celebrations.
  17. No, it's a very simple logic test for a Panthers fan. One is one of the best players in franchise history and our only NFL MVP. The other is a typical first round complete bust. If you really have to get in the minutiae of their personalities or what they are wearing, once again, football is just not really for you.
  18. I think KK stays and we try to move him mid-season or next season. That contract is going to require some salary cap jumps to make it more palatable. Super amped to keep Chatty around. Majorly underrated player on our team.
  19. Extending a player that hasn't played for us yet would be a very Panthers move.
  20. IMO, the single team cities shouldn't really count. They are barely pro sports cities.
  21. He said right now and the Lions are an overwhelmingly better franchise at the moment, so it would be CLT that is worse if you are talking recently. If you are talking historically, it's even more overwhelmingly CLT because the Pistons have multiple titles and were a power team spanning many years, despite their current dumpster fire status. Plus, historically the Hornets/Bobcats/Bobnets have collectively had some of the worst owners in the last 40 years of NBA basketball.
  22. The Tepper Panthers aren't playing poker, they are buying scratch offs.
  23. I was a luxury pick because IMO because it was reaching for a position at a time that just wasn't necessary. I am all for BPA but I don't believe Brooks will be significantly better than some of the other guys in the 3rd to 4th round. Not enough to warrant passing on better players of higher positional value. That's not even touching the roster needs specifically. That was always my problem with the pick. It's, once again, the team projecting that they just know better than everyone else when that has so very rarely proven to be the case in the last few years.
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