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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. Ian Thomas, training camp HOFer. Well, I know that if our rookie doesn't beat this dude out(over the season), we got another wasted pick on our hands. I know that if Canales buys into this BS, we got another bust coach on our hands. This is one of the most predictable things in every Panthers pre-season. Ian Thomas somehow convincing coaches that he is an NFL player.
  2. Well we are 4-2 in the regular season and 0-4 in the playoffs versus them while he has been there. I would say the overwhelming biggest difference has been their goalie. If they are so much better than us, why in a postseason where we were missing so many players did they beat us by a total of 4 goals? All the poo that is being said about Rod was said about Maurice for literally almost three decades.
  3. Most people in the NFL are fast. You need to scheme people open(which we were unable to do 90+% of the time) and you need players that are capable of being technically proficient enough to get open(TMJ and Mingo are not these players). Typical fixation on size/athletic numbers without enough regard to other aspects of being an effective football player. We are terrible at this but it isn't an uncommon occurence in the NFL.
  4. I will give that he is insanely young but the ROA is very low. Poisonous contract too.
  5. It is what it is. His contract is almost up. Could be a lot worse. Reference KK.
  6. We are always gonna have our "sunshiners" looking positively towards the next season but at this point the only thing that is going to satisfy the majority of the remaining fanbase is fuging winning. And a lot of it, at that. No articles, no training camp reports, no preseason performances are going to change a fuging thing. Meaningful, regular season wins and winning records will change the way the fanbase looks at the franchise and the owner. That's it. There is no other cure(save Tepper selling the team).
  7. I know ample amounts of real, in person Panthers fans. I don't personally know any that don't think we are a joke.
  8. I am fine with 50/50. You have to assume at this point Freddie is gonna miss a lot of time with injury so it will end up being closer to that 2/3.
  9. Well, Freddie just can't be counted on. He couldn't even be "good enough." The bulk of the playoffs he was visibly shaken and unable to be effective. He just isn't a guy that is dependable during the postseason.
  10. TBH, there have been quite a few non-elite goalies winning recently. If Edmonton wins, Skinner is far from an elite goalie. Bobrovsky CAN be an elite goalie. He has been both a dumpster fire and elite in the past. Each season is a box of chocolates with him in net.
  11. What do you think the odds are that he ISN'T a douche? Have you read his background? Remember how he intentionally mispronounced the guy he fired last year? I would geniunely be shocked if he wasn't a massive douche.
  12. Nah. May as well let the opposing fans in. It will simulate the regular season.
  13. I don't think they are ever going to stress that 2000 limit.
  14. I think the city would let the leave before they get completely bent over. Reference the New Orleans Pelicans(AKA Charlotte Hornets 1.0) and George Shinn.
  15. The Panthers have always been a NC team no matter what marketing BS they tried to come up with. SC just never supported the Panthers. It's bananas to have it in Clemson. You are so far from the fanbase. Who the fug wants to make that kind of drive? But, maybe that's the point?
  16. I have lived in Columbia before. I never saw a shred of Panthers support even during our good years. I did see an entire sports bar once root for some 3rd string scrub of an ex-Gamecock that was playing for the Browns. The truth is, there has never at any point been any discernable support in the entirety of South Carolina for the Panthers. There were points in time that was upsetting but I suppose in hindsight it really hardly mattered.
  17. I don’t think they will. It's a lot of bluster and not much substance. Plus it sounds like this wealthy idiot is going to get his way, unfortunately. I still watch the games but it's mainly just fodder for bitching and discussion with my buddies. I don't actually care that much anymore. It's just fun to sometimes put on that angry fan hat in a discussion.
  18. I have been to a number of these cities that have lost teams. The overwhelmingly majority don't follow those teams anymore, they hate their fuging guts. The sentiment is completely understandable. That has literally happened to Charlotte already.
  19. 100%. That dumb motherfuger has plenty of money to accomplish this and ample ability to finance it if he just doesn't want to write the check. CLT shouldn't pay a dime for this.
  20. People forget the 9 year playoff drought. I have been through the great, the good and the bad times as a Canes fan. Doesn't matter where you are in the state, if you fuging stink, you are gonna suck wind when it comes to fan support. The reason Charlotte is a dramatically worse sports city is both of those professional teams are fuging awful and have been for a while. Raleigh looks better because the Canes are currently experiencing one of the best eras in team history.
  21. Once he learns the position at 30, he might be our best player.
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