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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. I don't really have any fear of missing the playoffs. Things will really have to gel for us to be in the division title race again. Also, the offseason isn't over so I am not going to flip poo. That's Panthers fan behavior(which I can kind of understand).
  2. I don't know what to think of XL. He is very much in the mold of our two current bust WR's, TMJ and Mingo. Until we get a project guy like that to pan out, I am not gonna really expect much. This is a throwaway season for Brooks due to the injury. That's really a 2025 determination in my mind. Doesn't really matter to me anyway. RB's are a dime a dozen. As for the "project" guys. Wake me when one of those pans out. It's probably been more than a decade since that happened here. The free agents mught fare better. If that's the case, then at least we only need to worry about cleaning up the draft evaluation. I don't expect our drafts to get better for many more years. That is going to take a concerted front office overhaul and by a competent architect. I don't really anticipate that. I'll likely see it in my lifetime but it won't happen in Tepper's lifetime.
  3. Hopefully we can move KK at the deadline this season or next offseason. That contract is pure poison.
  4. Sad to see Turbo and Pesce go but I think we all knew that was inevitable.
  5. The bag for Skjei is nuts. Good for him but very glad we aren't on the hook for that. Wow.
  6. In the same order I listed it. 1. Fix the talent evaluation 2. Use that better evaluation to build an NFL caliber roster 3. Continue to build depth and plan to replace key people as they age out and price out. Those are the cornerstones of building long term success in terms of roster makeup. Even at times in our history when we got Step 1 correct and then did a decent job of Step 2, we have never been able to maintain Step 3 for various FO and coaching/on field reasons. This is essentially what Richardson was trying to do with the thought of emulating the Steelers. Our execution has just been horrible. And we don't need to hit HR after HR at any of those steps, we just need to get more right than wrong. And you need to get the critical elements correct(core players, coaches, etc). Once that starts to go sideways, the whole thing falls apart and we are back to the boom and bust cycle. As far as what we as fans can do? Nothing but watch. We the franchise, well they already think they are doing these things. I heartily disagree so we will see what happens.
  7. The biggest thing for us as fans is going to be how our draft picks and FA signings look. If it's a lot more whiffs than hits, that's a very bad sign. Our biggest problem is talent evaluation. If we can't clear that hurdle, it's gonna be a long few years.
  8. We don't hit 1st, 2nd or 3rd round picks in the Tepper era. We already reached on a QB in Matt Corral that was an unmitigated disaster. We have to fix our talent evaluation, then build a real NFL roster, THEN we can do poo like take QB's every couple of seasons. We aren't anywhere near that. Most of of our backup guys are barely NFL caliber.
  9. We aren't to the point on our roster where we can throw away 2nd and 3rd round picks. That's a reason why our roster is as bad as it is. Good teams can afford to do that because they don't have dumpster fire rosters.
  10. Yeah, I don't even have a bar anymore. I will watch and be amused more than anything else, I am sure. Tepper Panthers have me completely apathetic but not off board enough to not watch.
  11. You and most logical fans. One of the reasons I really did not like our draft. But, we gotta be used to FO flubs at this point as Panthers fans. It's been our MO in recent memory for sure.
  12. It seemed like such an obvious hole in their OL plans that they just didn't address. I mean, they even hedged on LT because od those struggles but then they just decide an oft injured veteran with almost no experience at C is just gonna be the guy? Also, with literally almost no backup??? I couldn't wrap my head around that at all.
  13. My ultimate issue is that I can't buy into that our roster improved in the offseason.
  14. 7 wins would be the equivalent of a good team winning 12-14 games, IMO. I still have us in the 4-6 win range, pre-training camp.
  15. If he doesn't do well, we spent all that money on OL for literally nothing. He is one of the most critical elements of this offensive overhaul. If he gets injured or he doesn't pan out, you can go ahead and bank on the season being a mess.
  16. I hope so. Luvu was a thumper, that's for sure.
  17. Offensively, I will go Harrison Mevis. I think he beats out Eddie and becomes our guy. Defensively, Josey Jewell. He takes a little bit of the sting off losing Luvu(definitely not saying he will be as good because I don't believe that) and plays very well this season.
  18. Yes, as if they could ruin overwhelming talent to where it doesn't show itself. This is full Sam Darnold Syndrome.
  19. I mean, I guess that is one way to look at it. The other is that we are wildly incompetent when it comes to talent evaluation. It's hard to "back into" a good decision in that state.
  20. Yeah, I don't have anything against him. I thought he was the guy but IMO, he has shown that he is not. I guess we will see what happens.
  21. I suspect the pass rush will drop off overall, as will the defense overall. Nothing major, but noticeable. They aren't giving Evero an easy hand to play with, that's for sure.
  22. Great potential to be a 6-10 mpg solid backup guy in the long term. That's about all you can ask from a 2nd round pick. All 2nd round picks are basically throw away picks in the NBA.
  23. Brother, never underestimate our ability to draft poorly. I hope that happens but until it does.....
  24. Yeah, plus it sounds like maybe we are shooting for tanking, so it would make sense for him to just develop in the NBA. Doesn't matter if he is lost initially, as long as he gets reps. Oh well. I guess we will get another long term CLT dumpster fire.
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