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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. Yeah, I have also learned enough over the years to not crucify anyone over media reports on legal matters. No one knows any facts. Could be BS, could be exactly as described and could be way worse than described. We've all seen this go umpteen different ways in lots of situations. He also has access to the criminal justice version of Clear/Precheck at his income level(Tepper has access to the Monopoly Get Out of Jail Free card at his income level), so there are no guarantees of anything.
  2. It's kind of impressive in some regards.
  3. I believe that requiring ignition interlock devices on all new cars has been proposed by the federal regulators before. Curious to see if this passes before widespread automated driving(which basically would elminate the simple need for it).
  4. Basically nothing. The stats were extremely unimpressive(posted in this thread).
  5. He is an idiot of an NFL owner but as some observers have stated before, there are some owners that take a while to figure that out. That's clearly him. What we don't want is for him to stay an idiot(Dan Snyder version). We don't have too many more seasons of this before it's pretty firmly and obviously the latter. That's the big worry. If he doesn't stay out of the way this time around, the story has been written, IMO.
  6. Look up the Sinaloa chicken recipes online. Basically a citrus and herb marinaded chicken that is commonly spatchcocked and chargrilled. Served with corn torillas, grilled onions(and/or pickled onions), roasted peppers, salsa, etc. No coca products stuffed inside.
  7. Sinaloa does amazing chicken and amazing cartel violence.
  8. I don't understand the strategy at center even a little. TBD how it works out but it does seem to be heavily reliant on a magic 8 ball strategy.
  9. TBH, I think the bigger concern is now center. If Icky falters, there is at least a half assed option at LT. If Corbett falters, there is no other NFL caliber option at C. That could get really ugly, REALLY quickly. LT is tough but at least you can ATTEMPT to have the guards, TE's and RB's help some. How do you help if the center is getting ragdolled(see last year for some rough tape of that)?
  10. Very strange. Curious to see if he was fired or he just opted to leave. Either way, I am sure we made the wrong decision. That much seems pretty well assured.
  11. No, we are just talking about it in theory, same as we would do for anyone "linked" to us via pure speculation or actual interest. I don't think anyone here actually believes this is a real possibility. After all, who in the world does this guy beat out? I genuinely think TMJ and Mingo are busts but at least you have the slim hope of the light switch being flipped. What is the hope for an early 30's WR that has been out of the NFL for years and had very modest production at multiple lower levels of football.
  12. I don't mean to burst your bubble but "showing your potential" might be a little tougher as a guy who is going to turn 33 next season. His best days are objectively behind him. If he wants to come in on a vet minimum one year deal, I am fine with it. He's basically another AT, a guy in the twilight of his career.
  13. This doesn't seem like a plausible marriage. He has been out of football for a very long time.
  14. Yeah, I am not sure I buy into the idea he was at all committed to staying here in Carolina. Based on what? The cup of coffee he had with the team?
  15. It's not really a product of the money. Most people that end up being ultra wealthy are geared a certain way.
  16. Yes they do. The more of the ultra wealthy they have, the more secure their investments will likely be. I am not saying that most owners don't want to win but make no mistake, they aren't owners for their love of the sport. They are owners because owning an NFL team has been a very, very good investment.
  17. Sinaloa chicken(modified by smoking and then chargrilling) for Murica.
  18. Fair but I also think Mingo has by far the lowest floor.
  19. This is literally, "So, I would like some pussy." Ends up, "I'll suck anyone's dick." That's the negotiating tactic I see.
  20. Dude, just chill and take a breath. No one wins a Cup on the first day of free agency any more than Super Bowls are won on the first day of free agency. Let it play out.
  21. The Panthers fan crossover is the issue. Too many are shell shocked from being Panthers fans. The sky isn't falling. We are still stocked with talent. If we don't win a Cup next season the sky will still remain where it is. We have a young core and a deep farm system.
  22. I am gonna miss Noesen. That's the one guy that really hurt when I saw the money.
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