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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. It just seemed like a course number once you said you were a professor.
  2. Trust the process, bro. We got tons of options at center.
  3. Another sunrise, another bad Panthers offensive line performance. Water is wet, Tepper is an idiot, etc.
  4. Watching him crying and looking like a scared little kid after that bad concussion was one of the most troubling things I have ever seen watching football.
  5. Don't worry about it, bro. We can just plug a guy that has never played center throughout his entire professional or college career. It will work. "Trust the process."
  6. I mean.....guys like Mays and Zavala serve one purpose....being cheap. If we were a smart team and well run team(we aren't), then the OL is where we would be drafting to "churn the bottom of the roster." But, no, we'll just keep reaching at RB or LB or whatever position isn't nearly as important. No big deal.
  7. OL depth has been mismanaged for almost a decade now.
  8. Yeah, the expectations this season should be very low. He still has to get the confidence back in his knee which is likely to take whatever portion of the season he actually plays. 2025 is his first year, IMO.
  9. I would rather he stay on schedule and not push it. We aren't playing for poo this season. But, it's also not my knee so maybe he is healing quickly.
  10. You will never convince me that INT's are incompletions.
  11. Nor should you. I don't believe in XL and I didn't agree with the pick but I am not sitting here calling him a bust. You have to actually play real games to even see if that is true or not.
  12. Well that's the difference between evaluating well and not. There aren't very many guys that don't produce well for the first 2-3 seasons and then become above average NFL WR's. A lot of what you are referencing are just bad picks.
  13. Not enough, sadly. I have had too many experiences being in SC sports bars and there being more people rooting against the Panthers than for them. Definitely has left a bad taste in my mouth.
  14. I predict less than 100 people will show up for Fan Fest.
  15. That's exactly what I mean. The most common thing I hear in SC from football fans is, "I don't watch the NFL."
  16. No, that hasn't been typical, actually. Not for guys that panned out anyway. We have had some historic first year wonders that turned out to be busts but most of the elite WR's in the NFL currently made an impact early and kept getting better.
  17. That's honestly old school mentality. The past decade has seen a large amount of instant impact 1st, 2nd and 3rd round WR's.
  18. It's also closer to, IDK....the actual fanbase? I have worked in Clemson a bunch over the years. Never seen or met a Panthers fan in almost 20 years of going there.
  19. I am curious about turnout in general. Have they been able to get more than a 50-60 person headcount any day so far?
  20. Man, that dude had some of the most insanely bad takes on QB prospects that humanity has ever conjured up. Basically it boiled down to, as long as he was 6-4+ and 230+, that was the guy to take. Literally nothing further than that. What a wild nutcase.
  21. Leary?? So you wanted a lower rent Corral or Grier?? Lol...why?
  22. Or go to Greenville. Light years better than Clemson.
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