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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. He has been ass all year. Keep him on the bench, IMO.
  2. Crazy we look so much better after benching TDA.
  3. It was just shitty luck. He probably should have just faced it and covered up.
  4. Not completely clear I will say. Too easy to read incorrectly. Should have said, "We are dominating them in the 5 on 5. Most dominant we have been all season."
  5. I am saying that we HAVEN'T dominated anyone as much as we are dominating Tampa in the 5 on 5. Not the entire season.
  6. We haven't dominated any team this season this much in 5 on 5. No one.
  7. Huge opportunity missed on that empty net. That will hurt
  8. Well, there goes the third goal on Raanta.
  9. Rather the reverse. I couldn't understand how taking 11 low end picks made any sense.
  10. Yeah I was a heavy skeptic of that draft.
  11. Oh I know. The quality over quantity argument missed me entirely.
  12. Scott Fitterer is setting a special place in Panthers history with how low he is setting the bar. I am not sure how it would be possible to be worse at drafting than him.
  13. This goes back to the "Was Jeff Otah a bust" argument. The reality is he was a bust but it was due to injuries. Horn is a bust so far. There isn't any question at all about that. We just have to hope that turns around. If not, that draft will look REALLY bad in hindsight.
  14. You think this is bad now? Wait until you do this review at the end of all their rookie deals. The way it is going, we may only have 1-4 of these players still on the roster.
  15. The draft position outside the first has pretty minimal value. Any draft position with Scott Fitterer at the helm as absolutely no value.
  16. Any draft buzz about positioning this far out is complete and utter BS.
  17. How about we get a competent GM before we worry about free agency? Maybe a competent HC too. Seems like a better start that failing around in free agency yet again.
  18. Yeah there isn't a single team in the NFL that was touching that deal. Now some Huddlers would but that's not too surprising.
  19. I don't even know that we have to blow up the OL. We just need to figure out if these are the coaches and this is the scheme. If so, blow it up. If not, get coaches who can use these guys effectively. Start running people the fug over like we under Wilks.
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