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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. FSU is basically not a top 15 team without their QB. Florida? You mean 5-7 Florida? So that's the basis for thinking FSU is good? Now I would have a different opinion if basically the FSU season wasn't over once they lost Jordan Travis. INB4 30+ loss to whomever they play.
  2. If I had to guess, Evero is smart enough to find employment elsewhere. Most likely as a HC.
  3. I have said the entire year the Big Ten is a complete joke. I stand by that. It is only eclipsed by mid-G5 level ACC.
  4. Fitterer has another year at least. I suspect we will get our 4th or 5th option of HC candidate.
  5. I forgot he was back. I would actually move them to #3, in that case.
  6. The best teams are: 1. Washington 2. Oregon 3. Alabama 4. Georgia 5. Michigan 6. Texas(if they still had their QB they would be higher) 7. Ohio St. After that it's a decent sized pool of relatively evenly matched teams. The committee will have: 1. Michigan 2. Washington 3. Florida State(shouldn't even be in the discussion at all, literally not a top 10 team) 4. Alabama(they can't help themselves)
  7. The biggest ad revenues are from social media titans and content platforms. They aren't from TV. The paradigm has shifted and most of the sports world is behind the times. I see some movement by the NBA trying to make their content much more easy to access. They also benefit from having global appeal.
  8. Most young people do not care about pro sports. It is very obvious. Also the kings of the sport(college and pro football) have moved further and further towards making their products as hard and expensive to get as possible. That model will absolutely ruin them. If you want fan engagement, you better be at the forefront of making your content easy and cheap to access. Otherwise, it's basically curtains for your future.
  9. He'S tHe NeXt ToM bRaDy, BrO! hOw CaN yOu NoT sEe It????!!!
  10. It's just the evolution of entertainment options and they ways that people consume them. The younger crowd is just fine with free YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Twitch, etc. Or subscribe to a few streaming services. I have informally polled just about every 20something I meet or work with. I have yet to meet one that subscribes or knows one of their friends that subscribes to NFL Ticket. The writing is on the wall. They will be too late to see it. ESPN has been so slow to adapt that they will be in more trouble than they already are. All these entities have pushed their model of ever increasing TV revenues when that house of cards is as fraudulent/fragile as the housing market was in the early 2000's.
  11. Yeah and we aren't protecting anyone's draft capital but the Bears. This is about as much of a win-win situation as we are going to get at the moment.
  12. Shades of the Redskins fans. Snyder was universally loathed. Unfortunately for them he also progressively reduced their broad fanbase to a much smaller group of diehards and local legacies. Our fanbase has never been large but this owner will make it ever smaller. I fear that he will basically turn us into the Hornets. Essentially after all the ill will of Shinn, Bob Johnson/Michael Jordan torpedoed the fanbase from which it would probably take more than a decade to ever recover from the initial Hornets fanfare. That's assuming it ever does recover at all. TBQH, I believe I have likely lived through the peak of the Panthers fanbase. I don't think it will recover because I think the NFL has a limited time as the premier sport in the US.
  13. The hallmark of being dumb is not realizing you aren't smart enough to know how to do everything. Tepper firmly believes this is all easy. He learned for a year or two from Marty Hurney and now he thinks he is some sort of Moneyball sage. It's just that all these idiots around him keep screwing up his brilliant plans. He is going to change the NFL if all these idiots just get out of his way and let him do it.
  14. You mean the guy that turned down an interim role in a shitshow last year? How do you think that would go this time with an even bigger shitshow? Evero is a very smart guy. He knows that all he has to do is keep doing what he is doing and he will be set for tons of HC opportunities. Why let some horrible situation where you are set up to fail ruin your future opportunities?
  15. Seems like a genuinely nice guy(like the other recently fired Frank). Mr. Smith, stay the fug away from this shitshow. I am firmly of the belief that we need a Payton or Harbaugh like guy that is going to put Tepper in his place. It's the only hope we have of getting a little better.
  16. Moore will probably be one of the guys that leverages us to get a better offer somewhere else. He worked under Jones so I am sure he is familiar with a meddling owner.
  17. IDK if I would even say that Bryce isn't NFL ready. He just isn't ready to lead a team that is as poorly built and coached as this. Most rookies would struggle in this scenario. I have been saying for a few weeks now we should bench him. There is absolutely ZERO benefit to rolling him out there every week to fail. We are just going to ruin the guy we traded all that capital for. Dalton will be marginally more successful and there is no downside to him being in a shitty situation. He's at the end of his career. We aren't going to ruin him.
  18. Nor will any good HC candidates. Sometimes the money isn't worth it. We have the most difficult owner in the NFL. Why subject yourself to that as a HC? Only guys like Reich who are on their last hurrah would be interested in one more cash grab. You aren't going to see good young head coaching candidates come here. You might see some Nathaniel Hackett's.
  19. The problem is that when he isn't being a yes man, he is evaluating talent and making decisions about our personnel. His biggest danger isn't being a yes man, it's how fuging lightspeed terrible he is at personnel evaluation.
  20. So, how much of our slump this season do we attribute to missing out on a sideline reporter that was willing to get their back beat out by our team?
  21. This is a very light ass whipping. Should be up 7-0
  22. The price for a divisional team would be considerably higher.
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