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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. Worst QB's in franchise history in the 2022 group. These WR's are bad though.
  2. What if I told you this was a farce and he won't play a single down today?
  3. Hard to say if that is the NFL game of the week or Falcons vs. Jets. They should have flexed those to primetime.
  4. We will see. I am a champion of the G5 vs. P5 but this isn't the game and Liberty is DEFINITELY not the team. One of the most laughable SOS's in recent memory for a ranked team.
  5. UGA's QB is trash but they are used to playing without a QB. They haven't a good college QB in years.
  6. Transitive property doesn't apply to sports, no matter how hard fans always seem to make it.
  7. Oh that won't make much difference in the search. This will.....
  8. LMAO. Taints OG just strip sacked Carr.
  9. I mean...it's true. This is a historically bad offense. We can improve to just simply bad offense and it would be a marked improvement. Hence why I am curious to see what happens.
  10. I think we do see some offensive changes. We will see. First game I have cared about in a while. Just to see what the response is
  11. Speaking of blowouts. RIP any FSU defenders after that game.
  12. I would imagine that possibly sets a record for biggest blowout.
  13. I still like the NBA and watch some but it is just such a long season.
  14. I was here through the inception and downfall of the Hornets. It's a similar arc he is creating.
  15. The problem is that they are very rapidly losing the sub-30 crowd. That means the future will be extremely bleak.
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