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About kungfoodude

  • Birthday 07/15/1981

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  1. I don't dispute that but if Evero is calling your shots as a FO, that doesn't say much for the FO. If it's a collaborative effort, that doesn't say much for the FO. If it's largely the FO making the decisions, that doesn't say much for the FO. Ultimately the front office guys take heat for poor talent. Even if it's at the behest of the coach/coaches.....you still ultimately have the responsibility. Hence the 80/20.
  2. 100%. A lot of these "premier" team QB's are mediocre at best.
  3. Nah. IS goof. Those guys are usually lone wolves in the US. I am sure it is just precautionary because any additional safety measures take time to put in place.
  4. It was REALLY not smart to poke the bear before this game with all that poo talking. Zero reason to put a bunch of bulletin board material everywhere and then be proud of it.
  5. It wasn't getting screwed over even remotely. They had no business being anywhere near the playoffs last year with or without Travis. The ACC was historically bad. They genuinely didn't deserve it.
  6. I didn’t feel bad at all for them. They had no business being near the playoffs at all. I very much am enjoying their fall and hope it continues for years.
  7. The "factual" thing is those teams lost those games. The emotional thing is the "players didn’t play, transfer portal, etc." That has nothing to do with what actually happened. Remember the FSU "We WeRe ThE rEaL nAtIoNaL cHaMpS!!" horseshit? How did that end up working out for them? If you spend your time crying and making excuses, what message does that team get from you as a coach?
  8. That's right, I forgot you guys actually made it and got beat pretty soundly by Texas.
  9. Unfortunately, it isn't going to get better. What is being laid bare is that there has never really been much parity in college football because it has always existed as a sport without a salary cap. This will continue until the facade drops, they actually are professional teams(have been for almost 40 years now) and there is a salary cap.
  10. Every "I SHOULD HAVE BEEN IN THE PLAYOFF" team lost so far. Clemson was not in the class of basically any of these teams.
  11. My biggest concern is that XL has more issues than just hands. He body catches, he mis-times jumps and he loses balls. These aren't rare enough events. I am just not convinced he is going to be able to fix all of that.
  12. It just depends on the evaluations. I think he is a 1st round caliber guy but he isn't in most 1st round mocks. We will see what happens. If he makes it to us in the 2nd, I would sprint to the stage with that pick.
  13. The TE discussion should begin and end at Harold Fannin Jr.
  14. Would rather have Deone Walker but he is a guy I wouldn't be opposed to getting later in the draft
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