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About DaCityKats

  • Birthday 06/26/1986

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  1. I have been watching Braverman and it's a lot to like about his game. If he gets with the patriots, he will become a pro bowler. The ideal slot guy with 4.4 speed and great cod. Had a 6.8 3 cone I believe.
  2. Perriman, Dorsett, Gregory, Randall (who has grown on me, and is a very versatile DB), or Jones. I do not think the value was there for an OL, but DB and WR i thought had better value.
  3. but poo Roman had to play coverage, so it couldn't be any worse.
  4. and Green Bay is licking their chops at this. with players like Cobb, Beckham, Jackson, etc playing in the slot, i just do not see Thompson being able to stay in coverage vs them.
  5. Good post. in nickel situations, i do not see Tillman playing the nickel back role, but playing outside. this allows Bene to slide to the inside, at nickel. I just cannot see Shaq as an option to stay on the field over Tillman, Bene, or Norman. not even Harper.
  6. i just watched him vs Illinois 2013 and god. he probably improved with more reps, but i just do not see it with him. i cannot watch anymore,until he gets drafted. he is strictly a WLB, chase the ball guy.
  7. i just cannot get behind another LB in the first round. 4 LBs in 12 years is just not smart, especially on one who is not playing his best position. Shaq would be a better RB.
  8. not saying its true or not, but its lying season. i wouldn't believe poo coming out right now.
  9. His brother said no to LSU too. Mom showed very much disgust on tv during one of those all star hs football games.
  10. i thought he had decent ball skills from what i seen. hard to watch safety play because of no all 22 games out there.
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