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  1. Time to grab your helmet and hit someone! It is GAMEDAY!! 98642182.jpg

  2. WOW!!!You are very attractive!!!!!!

  3. Hi Dan! I'm doing great...Thanks for asking. I hope that you are doing just as good or better :) Thanks! You guys are welcome here any time! Have a wonderful day.

  4. Howdy ma'am. I hope you're well. BTW I like Sharon's Diner over Cracker Barrel any day.

  5. Probably both. Hope you guys have fun and that I an make the next one.

  6. HI, I'm actually In north charlotte, between Concord and Huntersville. Thanks for the invite, but I will be out of town visiting my dad.

  7. Congrats on your Eagles

  8. Thanks! Best of luck next week. Cheers!

  9. Did you believe she once grew a unibrow too, Lifey? Glad to see we're not alone here. ;)

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