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  • Birthday 11/20/1961

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  1. Yes. Now we’ll see how the hyped draft prospects do against existing NFL players. I’m hopeful- but I am every year….
  2. Faalele Salyer Tom Mays McCollum Noah Ellis
  3. I don’t think anyone in this draft is a can’t miss so if we traded back/ acquired a T or QB via trade/ strengthened the Edge and LB positions in some combination of moves, I’ll be hopeful.
  4. IFFFF we are able to trade down, hard to imagine most any one (and possibly two of them)of these guys not being a significant contributor next year
  5. I’ve mocked Thomas and Mays as well. Mays has played some center and has experience at all 5 positions
  6. Trade down - twice if there are any takers- 1st pick in late teens or early 20s, plus multiple 2s and 3s. We get very good G or T, QB prospect, LB, DT, DE
  7. I like the idea of Tom, Zion Johnson, or Cade Mays being a potential C in our future. All can play multiple positions and have good size
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