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About MrBubba

  • Birthday 10/12/1969

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  1. Also possible LA got cold feet after sleeping on it. If Hornets believe he is healthy, demand independent evaluation.
  2. Then not trade them away
  3. Way to early, but all things equal would be surprised if Skat lasts till fifth.
  4. I agree, that's what I'm saying. Don't think he's actually serious, but likes to be chased. Last year it was Wash, this year will be Vegas. (Assuming that x post has any validity.).
  5. IIRC last year, Johnson was done deal to Washington for a couple of weeks before he backed out. Might like to be courted.
  6. I've watched for thirty years. I don't recall a time a Sunday afternoon game wasn't broadcast in the Raleigh market.
  7. I hope we don't draft one later either. At least not a third or fourth rounder. Keep Andy or bring in another vet. If it goes bad again look at 26 draft
  8. This could become a thing, especially with Manning coming up. NFL may have to take some strict action like holding draft rights for multiple years
  9. Your defense already sucks, so lets make it worse
  10. Mighty quiet from all the media talking garbage this morning. Don't think cbs or fox covered game in Post game
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