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  • Birthday 04/14/1986


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  1. At this point I think we are better off without a quarterback. Just run the wildcat and drain the clock.
  2. That was me last year in Vietnam. Gave up after a few games.
  3. At last football time again. Let's go Panthers, fug them Saints.
  4. Wow that must've been a hell of a trip. I'm just here living with my wife while we wait for her visa to get processed. I'm not brave enough to cycle very far here the drivers are just... well you know.
  5. Superbowl comes on at a reasonable time here fortunately so I watched the previous one. The internet is pretty good here (better than Asheville's) so if I do decide to stay up late I can easily stream the game which I did for the first one. Hopefully we win a couple then I can convince my wife that I need to stay up until 4am.
  6. I live in Vietnam so probably not. Hard to justify staying up late or waking up early if we aren't good.
  7. He did okay with his opportunities. A small bright spot on the day. Hate that he didn't find a way to convert the nearly impossible 4th down early but whatever.
  8. Yeah really the game was mismanaged quite a bit. The 4th that we didn't convert was a heralding play for how the game would go. The call wasn't even bad but the decision on what to do was.
  9. Yeah my excitement took a pretty big hit just now but I'll watch a couple more games before I stop caring again.
  10. I wish I could say it's been a pleasure watching it with you whiners but you gotta hate seeing a loss. Oh well on to the next week.
  11. You have to play really well to beat the zebras too and we didn't even play well. That's football baby.
  12. How do you get a billionaire to do anything? They know everything. They are living gods walking the earth bro.
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