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  1. We all know Bryce is a great person. But, from what I recall of the off-season, I remember him saying he was taking time off, watching Netflix. For those that follow more closely, how is his actual work ethic? The greats like Luke would eat, breathe, and sleep Football. First one in, last one out. Does Bryce have that in him? Because going through the motions at this level won’t cut it. What are your thoughts on this? I feel like a strong work ethic is going to be the only way he overcomes the physical challenges he is going to face in the NFL.
  2. Does anyone know if you can watch the game via the Fox app without a TV subscription?
  3. I’ve tried to mirror with the phone and it’s blocked. So, you are saying you can use the NFL app through the iPad and mirror?
  4. I’m sure this is listed somewhere, but how do you guys watch the games? I have NFL+…does it allow you to watch the local games on the TV live? I’m seeing it listed as mobile only. Anyone have other options that don’t cost an arm and a leg?
  5. Cooper Dejean is my draft crush…surprised he’s still on the board.
  6. Have we seen Cam next to Bryce?
  7. Center then Wide Receiver. LB/Edge in 3rd. I just want that line to be dominant and solidified. It’s an offensive driven league now.
  8. Get one of the top Centers in the draft and solidify your line for a few years. Would be one of the better lines in the league if Ickey comes back around. I’d love Center and WR with our first two picks. We can’t fully rely on Corbetts health.
  9. I saw a video of Cooper Dejean (CB-Iowa) playing basketball, and man…I wouldn’t be able to pass up on him, even with C, DE, WR as the main need. Crazy athletic. Our backfield would be nice, if they stayed healthy. He’s projected late 1st though.
  10. The football gods telling him to stay in Charlotte.
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